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Presentation transcript:


Flash-back…. what was said at the last Pearle* conference P  Two-way approach in Pearle*’s activities - Legislation : towards better regulatory environment for the sector - One-stop-shop: towards setting up of single contact points => Cf. study on mobility

December 2007-May 2008 EU regulatory affairs (1) P A. Third-country nationals migration package Travelling to USA Sanctions against employers B. Social security Implementation social security schemes Also: recommendation posting of workers Also: job mobility action plan => Role of TRESS-network

December 2007-May 2008 EU regulatory affairs (2) P C. Taxation  Commission initiatives ECJ Scorpio case  VAT : consultation reduced VAT D. Intellectual property  Creative content online

Beginning 2008: Pearle* contacts P  Several meetings with EU stakeholders:  DG Culture  Cabinet Figel’  Secr.Gen. Cultural Council  Permanent representations  EP-Committee culture  Others: EUNIC, Citizens’ Signpost  Content of our meetings?  Information on legislative and regulatory issues  advocating for one-stop-shop, including different phases ( )

P PHASECALENDERTASK Phase 1Second half 2008 Feasibility study Phase 22009Pilot project in a number of countries to ‘test’ the one-stop-shop principle Phase 32010Evaluation of the pilot project Phase 42010Finding the right finances for a sustainable service for the arts Phase Setting up the one-stop-shop network Phase 62012One-stop-shop centers to be operational in all countries

December 2007-May 2008 EU cultural policy & mobility P  Cultural Council:  November 2007 – endorsement COM culture => mobility: priority area  OMC : Setting up of Expert working ‘mobility’ First meeting on 31 March: Pearle* presentation Awaits input of studies regarding mobility of artists 2 approaches to mobility:artists // artistic works (IP) Next meetings: June & October President: Finland / 22 MS

December 2007-May 2008 EU cultural policy & mobility P  European Parliament: pilot scheme on mobility (budget year )–3 strands  Feasibility study on setting up a comprehensive scheme designed to provide a European wide system of information on mobility in the cultural sector  Networking of existing structures supporting mobility in different sectors  Setting up of a Mobility fund

December 2007-May 2008 EU cultural policy & mobility P  European Commission - DG Culture :  Pearle* to DG EAC: continuous stream of information  Stakeholder meeting (March): terms of reference pilot project mobility EP  Place of mobility in cultural platforms: transversal issue?  Launching 2 studies: Mobility of cultural workers: incl. mobility schemes and obstacles Feasibility study

Study on mobility of cultural workers P  Overview mobility schemes for cultural workers nat/regional/local (objectives, benificiaries, eligibility criteria, etc)  Typology of existing schemes  Analysis of impact and efficiency of existing mobility schemes  Analysis of gaps in provision and scope of complementarity at EU level  Recommendations on ways to enhance mobility: forms to support – financial / guides / networking

Study on mobility of cultural workers P  Eri-carts: network of researchers / studies cultural policy  Started in May  Questionnaire for national researchers  Cultural workers: who? Artists (focus: performing, visual and literary arts), other professional workers/ practitioners in the cultural area: cultural institution managers, producers, promoters, researchers, journalists  Main fields of investigation: specific and general mobility programmes / cross-border schemes (in / out / two-way)

Feasibility study on comprehensive scheme for European wide system of information for mobility P  Study encompassing 2 phases:  Mapping of existing information systems (national / EU)  Recommendations for a comprehensive scheme  Input of Pearle*:  Needs analysis  identifying targets groups  Criteria to be taken into account  Scope : EU 27 and larger (culture 2007) + world  Suggestions towards recommendations  No open call by tender, but framework contract (Ecotec) – assignment received in April

What next? P  Council: working group next meetings in June and October  DG Culture - June: call for ‘networking of existing structures promoting mobility’,  objectives: exchange of best practices (conferences, workshops) evaluation methodologies, valorisation of results developing mobility schemes (by fund raising, joint initiatives, joint calls for proposals etc) promoting the development of needs analysis and its practical analysis (to feed political reflection, with a view to the mobility fund and new Culture programme…) setting up a joint mobility project  Specifications: Minimum 3 countries and 3 different networks