Health and Safety Review Day Thursday 2 October 2008 Chris Gosling October 2008
Occupational Competencies Need to establish competency framework for all hazardous activities Provide reassurance that staff know how to do their jobs competently and safely in order to
Benefits 1.A high level assurance for governance purposes; 2.Unambiguous information for the HSE in the even of an incident; 3.The ability to identify when refresher training is due; 4.An enhanced ability to deliver training on line; 5.The ability for training outcomes to be immediately updated on the database.
Competencies Spreadsheet Levels FoundationUser Advanced User Authority Dept “Expert” College “Expert” National “Expert” Laser Safety Ionising Radiation Biological Safety Genetic Modification Risk Assessment Workshop/Safety
The Journey Done Doing To Do Agree IT data capture system Define competency levels Identify posts needing specific competency levels Identify current levels of expertise of post holders Arrange remedial training Arrange on-going training