Activities and Projects on Multilingualism with a focus on Regional and Minority Languages Cor van der Meer Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning London, 15 & 16 April 2010
Overview Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning Activities & Research Projects
Mercator Research Centre : Documentation and Information Centre. Funded by the European Union : transition into: Information and Research Centre. Funded by the Province of Fryslân and the municipality of Ljouwert/Leeuwarden.
Fryske Akademy
Mercator Research Centre Objectives Scientific research Information centre Platform function Goals: creation, dissemination and application of knowledge Education
Mercator’s activities Research Publications & databases Network of Schools Network of Teacher Trainings Institutes Conferences & seminars Q&A service
Research reports Articles Newsletters Regional dossiers series - 40 language descriptions - Update every 5-7 years - Online available Publications
Research Reports Development of Minimum Standards for RML language education Use of the CEFR and ELP in RML language education Comparative studies Study on the devolvement of legislative power to regional authorities Trilingual Education in Europe (due 2010)
Network of Schools > 90 members > 30 language communities 15 EU member states News bulletins Website: - teaching materials - projects
18-20 May: Mercator Network conference: “Media Convergence and Linguistic Diversity: How can the creative industries contribute to language vitality in a multiplatform environment?”, Aberystwyth 3-4 June: “Added Value of Multilingualism and Multilingual Education”, Ljouwert, organised in cooperation with the Basque Ministry of Education, Leeuwarden November: conference of European Universities Network on Multilingualism (EUNoM), Leeuwarden Conferences in 2010
Fields of research Added value of multilingualism and multilingual education Informal learning and promotion of reading in families & households. Effectiveness of educational policy in Fryslân Language acquisition
Projects Mercator Network of Language Diversity Centres (a) MELT: Multilingual Early Language Transmission (b) EUNoM: The European Universities’ Network on Multilingualism (c) More Languages, More Opportunities (d) Added Value of Multilingualism (e)
Mercator Research Centre - “lead partner” 4 Partner institutes: Aberystwyth – University of Wales Barcelona – Ciemen Budapest – Hungarian Academy of Sciences Eskilstuna (Sweden) – Mälardalen University (a) The Mercator Network of Language Diversity Centres (LLP)
Aims Facilitate structured exchange and discussion of best practice in the EU Awareness raising for greater public → Benefits of multilingualism for Europe What needs to be improved and how can it be improved best? Transferability to other language communities: including immigrant or signing communities
Expected Results Yearly reports to: Summarise Gathered knowledge / Detected Knowledge gaps Give people opportunity to use and expand on this knowledge Give recommendation for future research agenda for EU and policy actions
(b) MELT project (LLP) Project partners: Mercator / Fryske Akademy (Fryslân, Netherlands) Folkhalsen (Finland) Welsh Language Board (Wales, UK) Conseil Régional de Bretagne (Brittany, France)
MELT project ( ) Research activities Development schemes & materials Seminar & evaluation workshop Local events Closing conference (Brussels, 2011)
MELT Aims Development of teaching methodology and language transmission process Raise of parents’ awareness about multilingualism Encouraging practitioners on how to foster language learning Raise policy awareness across Europe
MELT Pedagogical materials 1 Toolkit for practitioners full of “best practices” – to start with extending the best practices in the book of Lillemor Gammelgard, Language Strategy. (“learning through playing”) Topics of special interest: - visibility of the language in the rooms, - songs and music, dance; - thematic work; - exposure to rich language expressions of good quality.
MELT Pedagogical materials 2 Information for parents in mixed-language families. Toolkit for practitioners how to cope with every new generation of parents and their concerns. Toolkit for practitioners and the teachers & school board of primary school together, aimed at the “informed choice” Training schemes
(c) EUNoM: The European Universities’ Network on Multilingualism (LLP) November 2009 – October 2012 EACEA Reference: LLP-ES-KA-KA2NW Consortium members: –U.O.C. (lead partner; Miquel Strubell) –Erasmushogeschool Brussel (June Eyckmans) –Mercator Research Centre / Fryske Akademy (Alex Riemersma) –Research Centre Wales (Glyn Williams) –Queens University Belfast (Eugene McKendry) –University Primorska, Koper, SI (Lucija Čok) Co-funded under the
Aims Multilingualism in the context of globalisation, the information society and the knowledge economy from various perspectives (including that of ‘regional’ or ‘minority’ languages), in five areas, each with on- line discussions leading up to five symposia and a final conference. Analyses of the changing paradigm, examples of good practice, policy recommendations and avenues for future research will be sought. Co-funded under the
Targeted stakeholders Educationalists, Language teacher organisations, Educational policy-makers, ICT specialists, Teacher trainers Parents’ organisations, Business and employers’ organisations Universities, Trades unions… Co-funded under the
Area 1 Language teachers: Training for a New Paradigm Co-funded under the On-line discussion leading up to European Symposium to be held in Udine (Friuli, IT), hosted by University of Udine - International Centre on Plurilingualism, on 7-8 September For more information:
Area 2 Higher Education and Research on Multilingualism Co-funded under the On-line discussion leading up to European Symposium to be held in Ljouwert (Leeuwarden), Friesland, NL, organised by Mercator / Fryske Akademy, on November For more information:
Area 3 Managing multilingual and multiethnic societies and institutions Co-funded under the On-line discussion leading up to European Symposium to be held in Koper (Slovenia), hosted by U. Primorska (Faculty of Human Studies), on June For more information:
Area 4 Multilingualism in the knowledge economy: labour markets revisited, and corporate social responsibility Co-funded under the On-line discussion leading up to European Symposium to be held in Belfast (Northern Ireland), hosted by Queens’ University, on November For more information:
Area 5 ICT, e-Learning and languages Co-funded under the On-line discussion leading up to European Symposium to be held in Barcelona (Catalonia ES), hosted by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, May For more information:
Final conference Globalisation, Modernity and Knowledge: New Perspectives on Language in education Co-funded under the On-line discussion leading up to European Conference to be held in Brussels (venue to be decided), organised by Erasmushogeschool Brussel or Mercator / Fryske Akademy, on October For more information:
Other work packages: –Management –Quality assurance and evaluation –Project dissemination –Exploitation: Working towards a sustainable network More information: Co-funded under the
(d) More languages, more opportunities Informal learning and promotion of reading in families & households A Papiamentu – Dutch language development project
Aims Promotion of toddlers bilingual development in Papiamentu and Dutch Promotion of a better socio-emotional development Promotion of a more positive interaction between mother and child
(e) Added Value of Multilingualism and multilingual education A joint research project of the Basque Autonomous Community and Fryslân University of the Basque Country / Ikerbasque, Donostia Mercator Research Centre / Fryske Akademy, Ljouwert
Analyse bilingualism and multilingualism as a resource for the individual and society Analyse bilingualism and multilingualism as a resource at school Aims
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