Good Morning Fabulous Arts Educators! Please take this time to set up your student samples for the gallery walk and bring in your unit 2 materials. The gallery walk will begin at 9:30 and we will then reconvene as a whole group at 10:15.
4 th Grade Arts Advantage Music Curriculum Unit 2 Gallery Walk Discussion Questions How well did the lessons on elements, rounds and ostinatos in Unit 1 prepare students for the assessment? How well does the assessment reflect the expected student learning of the California music standards for this unit? Do you see evidence that the students were or were not able to: a) describe music according to the elements; b) sing a round; c) sing an ostinato; d) identify and compare two musical styles? If you could suggest one improvement to the assessments, what would it be?
Please take this time to fill out the Unit 1 reflection form.
4 th Grade Arts Advantage Music Curriculum Unit 3 Lidia E. Sánchez, Presenter
Tentative Agenda 10:30 – 11:30 Unit 3, Lesson 1 Ostinato with Instruments 11:30 – 12:30 LUNCH (on your own, enjoy!) 12:30 – 1:30 Unit 3, Lesson 2, Sing and Play 1:30 – 2:30 Unit 3, Lesson 3, Perform with Voice and Instruments 2:30 – 2:45 Wrap-up and reflections
Group Norms Listen carefully (body language, eye contact) Cell phones on vibrate 15:2 for verbal processing and notes Participate, participate, participate!
Lesson 1: Ostinato with Instruments
IMPORTANT NOTE: For the summative assessment, students will be required to select a song, sing it and perform it with a composed ostianto. I suggest to carve out a little bit of rehearsal time each session to learn and practice each of the three songs you will be using for this unit.
Important Vocabulary RHYTHM – the combination of long and short, even and uneven sounds that create a sense of movement in time OSTINATO – a rhythmic or melodic pattern that repeats MELODY (tune) – an organized sequence of notes TEMPO – the speed or pace of the music
REVIEW: What is an ostinato? What is an ostinato? Aural example: Sound Machine – Joanne Hammil (# 8 on The World’s Gonna Listen CD) Can you identify an ostinato? Clap it out with music Clap it out without music RHYTHMIC OSTINATO Another aural example: Chi Chi Bud (Track 8 from the Wee Sing CD)
Let’s Add Ostinato! Listen to Circle the Earth by Joanne Hammil (Track 2 from The World’s Gonna Listen CD) Can we add an ostinato to this song? Brainstorm words and rhythm Let’s try it! Let’s clap it! Let’s play it with instruments! Let’s share it!
Improvising an Ostinato Listen to Nani Wale Na Hala (track 44 from the Wee Sing CD) GROUP TIME! Create a rhythmic ostinato that is 8 beats long. Brainstorm rhythms Decide on a rhythm Try it with the music Perform it!
Lesson 2: Sing and Play
Important Vocabulary COMPOSITION (Compose) – creating original music by organizing sound. IMPROVISATION (Improvise) – spontaneous (spur-of-the-moment) creation of music PATTERN – repeated parts in music
Reviewing Note Values For today, there are 4 beats/counts in a measure (time signature is 4/4). How many of each note would fit in a measure? (See Notes Charts) Why do you think each note has the name that it does? (connect to fractions) What happens when we try to fit more notes into a measure? These can all be mixed up to create a rhythm in a piece of music.
Reviewing Rest Values For today, there are 4 beats/counts in a measure (time signature is 4/4). How many of each rest would fit in a measure? (See Rests Chart) Why do you think each rest has the name that it does? (connect to fractions) What happens when we try to fit more rests into a measure? These can also all be mixed up with notes to create a rhythm in a piece of music.
Practice Composing and Reading 4-beat pattern: any suggestions? Let’s practice! Let’s combine them to make an 8-beat pattern! (Practice some more if needed)
Get Ready, Composers! Group up! Choose! Select either Nani Wale Na Hala, Circle the Earth OR Eentsy Weentsy Spider (track 4, from unit 1) Compose! Using an instrument of your choice, compose a new, 8-beat ostinato for the song and write it down on the Unit 3 Template and Rubric Paper. Use the notes and rests values packet to help you!
Critique and Revision CRITIQUE ETIQUETTE! Trade compositions with another group Critique! Try the other group’s composition and give warm and cool feedback Revise! Use peer feedback to make changes to your composition.
Lesson 3: Perform with Voice and Instruments
In this lesson, students will be required to both sing the song and play their composed ostinatos.
Compositions Check your composition against the first column on the rubric; you may make any last- minute adjustments if necessary Choose! Select either Nani Wale Na Hala, Circle the Earth OR Eentsy Weentsy Spider (track 4, from unit 1) Compose! Using an instrument of your choice, compose a new, 8-beat ostinato for the song and write it down on the Unit 3 Template and Rubric Paper. Use the notes and rests values packet to help you!
Let’s Talk About It: What makes a good performance? What does it take to be ready to make a good performance?
Rehearsal Time Practice singing all the songs whole-group Group up! Decide who will be the singers and who will play the ostinato. Practice your piece Perform it!
Summative Assessment Students will assess their classmates’ performance of a song unis the rubric. Each group performs the song with voice and instrument. One group will be assessors and one group will be performers. Each assessor will assess one student from the performing group and score them on the rubric. Groups then switch roles. Use Unit Three Rubric Sheet
Wrap-up and Reflection Complete reflection form. Have a wonderful day and thank you for being a fabulous arts educator!