Towards OnePortsoken Provider and officer workshop 13 th January
Agenda Recap and refresh on the EIR Aims and objectives of OnePortsoken Developing the model Action planning
What did we find out? Very little churn, little change, increasing deprivation for the vulnerable 25% not living on the estates – where are they? Who are they? Different experience of estate services (Guinness vs CoLC) Developing challenges for ageing population, overcrowding, welfare reform, vulnerable residents
Some trends
Working well Lots including City Advice Health worker Befriending Children’s Centre
Issues Lots of engagement – little coordination Too many referral points and not enough use of some services Residents too passive and reliant on CoLC to provide solutions A tale of two estates….
Agreed priorities Priority 1 – A coordinated approach for the commissioning and delivery of services across the ward by bringing the services, providers and facilities together under a ‘One Portsoken’ umbrella. Priority 2 – Making better use of the assets and facilities in the ward, using those assets that are underused but more appropriate for some activities. Providing a central coordination role for activities taking place across the five community buildings (see 4.1), and the promotion of activities taking place in the ward. Priority 3 - The development of a health education strategy targeting those residents and city workers that are most vulnerable, such as the elderly and young people, who can be difficult to access. Types of services should include mental health, substance misuse, sexual health and tackling obesity. Priority 4 – To continue investing in community initiatives that help to maintain a sense of community on both estates, as well as helping to build some capacity so that residents can become more empowered and independent. Priority 5 – To put in place a coordinated service that brings City Advice and Adult Learning together to help residents manage their benefits and budgets. Provide dedicated support to help manage claims online and training to help individuals use the internet, understand the language (where needed) and have help with budgeting and money management. Priority 6 – To put in place a targeted employment and skills programme to continue to provide access to employment support, as well as upskilling programmes towards better paid employment and career opportunities.
Recommendations Six recommendations adopted in full –Central coordination and management of activities in the five assets –Development of a provider and residents forum to provide a single voice –Extension of health worker service –Adult learning tying in with IAG to bring together advice and capacity building at the same time –Improve income for residents through better employment and training interventions
Wha t are we trying to do? Create a step-change in the ward – do we want to be in the same place in the next ten years? Prepare the community for the future – help them become resilient Build community cohesion and capacity – bridging gap between age, gender, race Create ownership of the community by the community Using Time Credits and other resources to encourgae participation
ONE PORTSOKEN Shaping services and securing investment City of London and partners External Ensure services are designed and led by residents Getting the best value for the community through planning gain and developments Commissioning and procurement – getting the best deal for residents Access external funding to fund gaps and support community development Holding providers to account and helping to join services and residents together better Holding providers to account and helping to join services and residents together better Holding providers to account and helping to join services and residents together better Ensure services are designed and led by residents Getting the best value for the community through planning gain and developments Ensure services are designed and led by residents Getting the best deal for residents through commissioning and procurement Getting the best deal for the community through planning gain and developments Ensure services are designed and led by residents Holding providers to account and helping to join services residents and workers together better Access external funding to fund gaps and support community development Holding providers to account and helping to join services and residents together better Holding providers to account and helping to join services and residents together better Access external funding to fund gaps and support community development Holding providers to account and helping to join services and residents together better Bridging the gap between residents, local workers and businesses Coordination of events for the community and recruitment of local volunteers Access external funding to fund gaps and support community development The ‘go to’ forum for consultation, research and insights about the area
/2016 Towards One Portsoken – a possible journey Spice Credits - rewarding involvement Get goingGet formalGet more things done 2014/2015 Build capacity and provide support Aldgate consultation New commissioning PHCC review Key events Activities: Events and meetings Involve community Use assets Recruit volunteers Reach other residents Establish shadow forum Activities: Formalise forum (charity/CIC/Ltd by) Develop trustees Form working groups to advise CoLC Direct consultations and reviews Oversee commissioning Explore funding opportunities Activities: Review service performance Develop non CoLC initiatives Review PHCC and options Physical developments (Aldgate and Goodman’s Yard) Secure funding from BIG and Other funders Future development
Portsoken – a year on Are the issues and needs the same? –If there have been changes – what are they? –What impact might they have? –Do they support/conflict with priorities?
What do we want from providers? Involvement – design and governance of the forum with residents and others Access to people you support – promotion of OnePortsoken Coordination of marketing and promotional activity to residents/businesses
Principles for involvement Membership, frequency, terms of reference, reporting and accountability How do we resolve potential conflicts of interest? What would be good outcomes for both providers and people we support? What are your ‘asks’?