Andrew Calderon Daneih Ismail Carol Klann Indu Pandey COMP 442 Human-Computer Interaction Spring 2013 FitnessSync
Summary Project Overview Motivation for Project Mobile Device Exercise Categories Demonstration Programming Summary Ideas for Version 2.0
Project Overview Most people listen to music while exercising Use beat of the songs to set their pace Especially helpful for walking or running Can purchase music compilations “Sweating to the Oldies” “Best Power Ballads of 1989” “Your Favorites Sung By Unknowns” What if you want to exercise to your own music?
Project Overview (continued) FitnessSync helps you create an exercise playlist using your own songs Determines the pace of each song (“BPM”) Categorizes each song into workout class Facilitates selection of songs Creates playlist that can be used immediately
Motivation for Project The idea for this project was inspired by several years of fruitless searching on the iTunes app store Had used exercise tapes in the past Tapes contained a good collection of progressively faster songs, but the music wasn’t fun to listen to Wanted to find an app that incorporated user’s music in an exercise program
Mobile Device FitnessSync was originally conceived as an iPhone app Required learning Objective-C programming language Switched to Android because we could program using Java It may be possible to convert the app to iPhone J2ObjC is an open source command line tool that translates Java to Objective-C
Exercise Categories CategoryBeats Per Minute Warm-Up / Cool Down Slow Walking Brisk Walking Power Walking Jogging Running Fast Running beats-per-minute.html
Programming Summary Developed with Java using Eclipse IDE and Android emulator Outline of the program Music is read from the sdcard Program identifies song file name, path and BPM BPM determined using BASS Audio Library See next page for ideas for next version Songs are categorized based on previous chart User selects songs from each category Program plays selected songs
Ideas for Version 2.0 Improve BPM detection Tried to determine BPM using both CadencePro (a stand-alone app) and Echonest (online database of information about songs) For this stage of the project, simply wrote BPM to title of songs Save playlist to a library for later use Improve design Translate program to Objective C and implement on the iPhone