Thesis Statements 101 How to write a strong thesis statement and make your essay rock!
3 Parts A GOOD thesis sentence has three main parts: 1) the limited subject (what your paper is about), 2) the precise opinion (what you're trying to say about that subject), and 3) the essay map (a brief outline of how you're going to support your claim – should explain “HOW” or “WHY” your idea/opinion is right or strong; Rationale)essay
Basic Example 1)Subject: Restoring old houses 2)Opinion: Restoring old houses is rewarding. 3)Essay map: It is exciting, relaxing, and satisfying.
Use “BECAUSE” to put it all together into a Basic Thesis Statement: Restoring old houses is rewarding BECAUSE it is exciting, relaxing, and satisfying.
Use qualifiers like ALTHOUGH, WHEN, IF and revise vocabulary into a Strong Thesis Statement”: When antique houses are restored, home-owners not only reap the benefits of a new home but also the excitement, relaxation, and satisfaction of the process.
Dr. Thesis: Diagnosis & Prescription – Write the problem (what is missing) and give a prescription (what it needs). 1) Chefs are better than cooks. 2) Steroid abuse 3) Hip hop is the best thing that has happened to music in twenty years. 4) I enjoy white water rafting.
Chefs are better than cooks. Chefs are better than cooks because chefs have more education, are more professional, and are creative with the food they create. ALTHOUGH both chefs and cooks can prepare fine meals, chefs differ from cooks in education, professional commitment, and artistry.
Steroid abuse Steroids should be banned from sports. Steroids should be banned from sports BECAUSE athletes tend to abuse them. Steroids, even those legally available, are addictive and should be banned from sports.
Hip hop is the best thing that has happened to music in twenty years. Hip hop is the best thing that has happened to music in twenty years BECAUSE it gives kids a way of expressing themselves and is an example of poetry found in the streets. Though many people dismiss hip hop as offensive, hip hop music offers urban youth an important opportunity for artistic expression, and allows them to articulate the poetry of the street.
I enjoy white water rafting. I enjoy white water rafting BECAUSE it is challenging and transforming. A first water rafting experience can challenge the body and spirit and transform an adolescent into an adult. Although white water rafting can be dangerous, a first water rafting experience can actually challenge the body and spirit and transform an adolescent into an adult.
Martin Luther King Jr was a great leader (this is what you're trying to prove in the essay) because he motivated others to take action (point 1), lead by example (point 2) and used non-violence as a method for change (point 3). Or The internet was the most important invention of the 20th century because it made information easily accessible, connected the world in a new way and increased the efficiency of information sharing. Or (This one is an introductory paragraph. The thesis statement is in red at the end) In the novel The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian, Junior is affected both positively and negatively by his interactions with the many people he encounters in his day to day life. Although Rowdy beats up Junior, he is a true friend because, he keeps Juniors secrets, protects Junior by standing up to his bullies, and he encourages Junior to reach beyond his limitations by climbing the tree.
Try your own…. Cellphones in class Legalization of marijuana Salaries of professional atheletes Animal use in medical research Relationship between violent video games and real life violence Do teens spend too much time “plugged in?” (online, cellphones, video games)