St. Ninian’s Primary School DHT Assembly –
O Everyone has a voice Friendship and teamwork Being the best that we can be St. Ninian’s Primary School Exciting learning and teaching Respect, honesty and equality Our vision is to be a vibrant community of faith and learning where together we learn to grow in the image and likeness of Christ. Our Values High expectations and pride Written in consultation with pupils, parents and staff. March 2014
Wellbeing Indicator - ACHIEVING
What does achieving mean? Like wellbeing itself, the word achieving means different things depending on what else is going on in your life. We thought it could be big, like winning the Olympics. But for someone else, just getting up and getting to school might feel like a huge achievement.
It means lots of different things to different people, TA
Getting a degree
Getting up at the right time/getting to school
Learning to talk, read and write (particularly for younger children)
A sporting achievement s-murdoch-beats-michael-jamieson-for-gold-at- 200m-breaststroke-at-commonwealth- games_sport
Gaining respect
Reaching a new level in a hobby
Sticking to your goals bSJ9fg
Working your way up at your own pace
Having your own goals
Being like someone you admire
Finding someone who shares your opinion
Realising potential
Time for a song… 2g
Achieving What are we doing? How do we know? What are we going to do?
House Points
School News Monday P6 Music Workshop Whithorn Movie Afternoon SPICE Friday House Captain’s Assembly Committees Masterclasses P4-P7