Census of Marine Life: Climate change, ecosystems, and biodiversity Proposed Activities for SCOR Technology Panel 2008-2010. Dr Alex David Rogers, Institute.


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Presentation transcript:

Census of Marine Life: Climate change, ecosystems, and biodiversity Proposed Activities for SCOR Technology Panel Dr Alex David Rogers, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London

Panel activities to date Liason with CoML research projects related to technology issues Liason with CoML research projects related to technology issues Review of all CoML project renewal proposals Review of all CoML project renewal proposals Review of the CoML methodologies document Review of the CoML methodologies document Annual panel meetings with representatives from projects Annual panel meetings with representatives from projects Special session at Techno-Ocean 2006 Special session at Techno-Ocean 2006 Special workshop on geo-location of animal tags (resulted in Report and summary papers submitted) Special workshop on geo-location of animal tags (resulted in Report and summary papers submitted)

The changing ocean Nellemann, C., Hain, S., and Alder, J. (Eds). February In Dead Water – Merging of climate change with pollution, over-harvest, and infestations in the world’s fishing grounds. United Nations Environment Programme, GRID-Arendal, Norway,

The oceans are part of the Earth System

Global integrated ecosystem assessments Most are focused on coastal or shallow- water ecosystems Most are focused on coastal or shallow- water ecosystems Emphasis on fisheries and in some cases processes affecting cycling of major nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus) Emphasis on fisheries and in some cases processes affecting cycling of major nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus) Very broad in geographic scale and thematic scope Very broad in geographic scale and thematic scope Limitations of existing marine datasets Limitations of existing marine datasets

Step change in knowledge of marine ecosystems Marine biologists have traditionally concentrated on small-scale experimentally tractable systems Marine biologists have traditionally concentrated on small-scale experimentally tractable systems Climate change means that we need an understanding of biological processes at the ocean basin scale on short to long timescales Climate change means that we need an understanding of biological processes at the ocean basin scale on short to long timescales Requires a massive change in approaches and technology (CoML is achieving this) Requires a massive change in approaches and technology (CoML is achieving this)

Proposed activities Cross-project syntheses (book / special issue journal) Cross-project syntheses (book / special issue journal) Workshop on ocean biological observatories Workshop on ocean biological observatories Geolocation of tagged animals Geolocation of tagged animals Panel website Panel website Synthesis – Technological Legacy

Cross-project synthesis (Making the Oceans Transparent) Based on technologies Based on technologies e.g. acoustics, optical appraoches, AUVs, image analysis,electronic tags, DNA- barcoding Technology synthesis meeting – end 2008 Technology synthesis meeting – end 2008 Participants will be drawn from CoML projects Participants will be drawn from CoML projects Each technology will generate a cross-cutting paper or chapter (Special Issue or Book?) Each technology will generate a cross-cutting paper or chapter (Special Issue or Book?) Also paper targeted at public on website Also paper targeted at public on website Gap identification and horizon-scanning in relation to large-scale ocean science programmes and global assessments Gap identification and horizon-scanning in relation to large-scale ocean science programmes and global assessments

Tagging and tracking New data on habitat use by marine animals New data on habitat use by marine animals Distribution of marine animals in relation to the dynamic ocean (what areas/features are important to biology) Distribution of marine animals in relation to the dynamic ocean (what areas/features are important to biology) Animals as ocean observers Animals as ocean observers Identification of potential / actual interactions between animals and human activities (e.g. fishing) Identification of potential / actual interactions between animals and human activities (e.g. fishing)

salmon smolt V9 - 2y program V9 - >4 mo life V7 - >4 mo life V6 - pre-production VEMCO R-code Acoustic Tags talk to receivers on the seabed Acoustic Tag Technology green sturgeon

Accelerating the Development and Testing of Novel TAGS: SRDL to GPS, CTD CTD GPS

Tagging to understand continental shelf migrations “POST” system; Lines of receivers create coastal “curtains” across shelf Tagged animal crosses curtain and the occurrence is recorded in receiver

Overlapping tracks from 12 species Tagging to understand open ocean migrations Longest animal migration distance ever recorded electronically Over 60,000 miles per year Top Predators: TOPP 19 sooty shearwaters 262 days

22 0 Temperature Animal Oceanographers Northern Elephant Seals 7 seals tracked during 2-3 month summer feeding migrations Some animals dive 1000m

TaggingTagging Follow-up on recommendations by the 2007 workshop Follow-up on recommendations by the 2007 workshop Further workshops / meetings / meeting sessions on this topic (2010) Further workshops / meetings / meeting sessions on this topic (2010) Final paper to document panels work on this topic (Gunn, Block) Final paper to document panels work on this topic (Gunn, Block) Integrate with specific synthesis projects Integrate with specific synthesis projects - Animals as ocean sensors - Developing new tag technologies Examine tagging technology in the light of GOOS and other global marine science / global assessment programmes. Examine tagging technology in the light of GOOS and other global marine science / global assessment programmes.

Tagging meeting proposals Animals as Ocean Observers Animals as Ocean Observers - Deliver animal-collected data to a synthetic portal. - Integration of data across EUTOPIA, POST, TOPP. Developing New Tagging Technologies Developing New Tagging Technologies - Two workshops to develop new integrated tags using satellite and archival tags and acoustic technology. - Brings in industry.

GOOS – The challenge  To which of the 6 societal goals/benefits of GOOS are CoML programs most applicable?  Improve the safety and efficiency of marine operations  More effectively control and mitigate the effects of natural hazards  Improve the capacity to detect and predict the effects of global climate change on coastal ecosystems  Reduce public health risks  More effectively protect and restore healthy ecosystems  Restore and sustain living marine resources

Current network of GOOS monitoring activities

Ocean Tracking Network Ocean Tracking Network (OTN) links acoustic and archival technologies of shelf (POST) and open ocean (TOPP) biological & physical data In 5 years could be global, seamless Globally shared software & database, integrated with GOOS

Benefit of merging datasets Argo higher accuracy higher vertical resolution every 10 days freely drifting 2000 dbar Animals higher temporal resolution (daily) higher spatial resolution (<50km) along animal migrations up to 2000 dbar * 2004 * 2005

TOPP website serves positions on 150 top predators daily Near real time data collection (Now-casting)

What other biological parameters should GOOS be monitoring? Molecular technologies Molecular technologies - Harmful marine algae - Microbial communities Intertidal surveys (through Regional Alliances) Intertidal surveys (through Regional Alliances) - Changes in species presence / abundance - Occurrence of invasives Indicators within marine communities Indicators within marine communities - Plankton communities (SAHFOS) Acoustic monitoring Acoustic monitoring - Diurnal plankton migration - Cetaceans Physical measurements Physical measurements - Oxygen - pHAND MANY MORE…..,.

The Website…… Some existing funds left and will be used to get website back up and running (1 month) Some existing funds left and will be used to get website back up and running (1 month) To be redesigned by CoML E&O team at the University of Rhode Island To be redesigned by CoML E&O team at the University of Rhode Island Content will be enhanced through input associated with the synthesis activities Content will be enhanced through input associated with the synthesis activities Specific documents targeted at public / policy makers Specific documents targeted at public / policy makers Will contain existing information on technologies with key references and links Will contain existing information on technologies with key references and links

TimetableTimetable July, 2008 Formation of new panel July, 2008 Formation of new panel August, 2008 Agree time and venue for synthesis meeting August, 2008 Agree time and venue for synthesis meeting Nov/Dec 2008 Synthesis meeting Nov/Dec 2008 Synthesis meeting Aug 2009 Synthesis papers submitted Aug 2009 Synthesis papers submitted September 2009 Workshop on ocean biology observatories September 2009 Workshop on ocean biology observatories Early 2010 Follow up workshop on tagging Early 2010 Follow up workshop on tagging October 2010 – CoML finale. October 2010 – CoML finale.

Referees comments Panel compositionPanel composition Outreach scientistsOutreach scientists Outreach industryOutreach industry Linkage to other synthesis activitiesLinkage to other synthesis activities

Acknowledgements SCOR (Ed Urban) The Technology Panel (Geoff Arnold,Elgar de Sa, David Farmer, Gaby Gorsky, John Gunn, Antonio Pascoal, Heidi Sosik, Song Sun, Bob Ward) Also Barbara Block, Dan Costa, Lew Incze