SRA course: Research into policy & practice Research utilisation & impact: some theory & insights
The research and policy/practice relationship Research impact a key concern of funders Many current attempts to evaluate impact Need to demonstrate ‘user engagement’ Impact doesn’t just happen Need to understand perspectives of users
Context Users have their own agendas Often very busy Don’t understand the research process &... usually, not very interested in it Research competes with many other influences
Research is just one factor in policy & practice.....
Lots of other things are happening Eg in government, it’s a bit like an iceberg - much of the activity goes on ‘below the waterline’
The Policy Iceberg Implementation Legislation Policy Announcement Policy Idea Sea level Party Politics Manifesto commitments Elections No 10 priorities Cabinet/Ministerial Public Opinion Political careers Public Political Budgets/Resources Priorities Legal powers Operational issues Parliamentary timetables Human nature Practical Costing options Reviews of evidence Analysis of admin data Political research (opinion polling etc ) Commissioned research and evaluation
There’s no time to worry about the nuts and bolts of research
Research activity is a ‘black box’ Policy Question Research Activity ? Long, boring report Inconclusive results Irrelevant results Results too late Research expensive Political embarrassment ‘Wrong answer’ OR Regular feedback of results Policy question answered Research on time No last minute surprises Research useful and used Research findings
Clarify research question Check existing knowledge/re-analyse data Check budget/procurement rules Design research Commission research Field work Data processing Data analysis Report writing Research-based advice Publication What goes on inside is largely irrelevant Research Q. Research Findings
The Policy/Practice Research Relationship Last minute research involvement Unclear information requirements Changing needs Poor communication (mistrust) Junior level discussion Inflexible research No ownership Too busy Early research involvement Ongoing dialogue Senior level discussion Research flexibility Policy ownership BAD RESULT UNSATISFIED USER GOOD RESULT SATISFIED USER
How does the relationship work?
Many models of the relationship Important thing is the relationship is complicated and impact is rarely instant or straightforward
Nutley et al 2002 Instrumental Leads directly to decision making for policy & practice Mobilisation Used as an instrument of persuasion to legitimise action/inaction Conceptual Leads to changes in knowledge, attitude or understanding Wider Influence Leads to larger scale shifts in thinking
Weiss (1979) Knowledge –driven Problem-solving Interactive Political Tactical Enlightenment Research as part of the intellectual enterprise of society
So why does research get ignored??
Barriers: structural Timing (too late/takes too long) Inconclusive/conflicting findings Nature of social science knowledge Irrelevant (asks wrong questions)
Barriers: human Suspicion/hostility ‘No time’ Scepticism of value (we know best) Fear of bad news Loss of control No research culture
Barriers: communication Users not kept involved (no ownership) Report jargon-laden & inaccessible Policy/practice implications not clear
What can researchers do?
Embedded processes Embed research planning in organisational planning User ‘ownership’ Sticks & carrots Organisational structures Culture of partnership
Responsive research Anticipating future needs Summarising evidence Identifying gaps Tailoring research findings to user needs Bespoke advice
Centres of good practice Evidence for Policy & Practice Information & Co-ordinating Centre, (IOE) Social Care Institute for Excellence National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence Research Unit for Research Utilisation (St Andrews) Campbell Collaboration Cochrane Research in Practice, Dartington
Web addresses