1 Presented at UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference Newcastle University 1-3 April, 2009 Urmila Jha-Thakur, Thomas Fischer, Ingrid Belcakova, Ralf Aschemann 1
2 Setting the Context (PENTA) Rationale for T wo EA-M Project Objectives Methodology Initial Indications 2
33 Promotion of European Education on Environmental Assessment for Third Country Audience Bologna: Process of Standardisation and Internationalisation Erasmus Mundus Action 4 project (October 2005-September 2007) Environmental Assessment lectures handbook SEA Textbook Range of Workshops International Conference in Dehradun (India)
4 The Department of Civic Design, University of Liverpool Spectra Centre- Centre of Excellence of the Faculty of Architecture at the Slovak University of Technology Austrian Institute for the Development of Environmental Assessment (An!dea)
66 Educational materials appreciated however the extent to which they are in line with higher education EAM requirements and interests of the Indian sub-continent remains somewhat unclear. The importance of Context was highlighted as the representatives of the Indian sub-continent showed their concerns about the relevance and transposition of European educational themes on their own professional work. The notion of partnership was preferred while Promotion of EU Education was seen with some suspicion. There is a need for exploring the different approaches, strands and streams of European EAM education. Conclusions drawn from PENTA
77 EU being seen as global leader in the field of EAM. Obtaining better understanding of EU education institutions can help to achieve a competitive edge. Focus on practice in Europe and East Asia (Japan, South Korea, China). Base created by PENTA- materials produced will be used in this project. It will help in understanding and appreciating the regional specific. interest and educational requirements Emphasis on the notion of partnerships. Making PG EAM curriculum cater to international requirements.
88 To establish a European And East Asian EAM network Produce Handbook of major types of EAM programmes in EU Test the usefulness of the educational materials produced during PENTA Organise Three East Asian Two EA-M Conferences Organise European Conference on European and East Asian EAM interests to enable European higher education institutions to better cater for East Asian (possibly other international) students.
9 Networking: Setting up a T wo EA-M webpage Handbook: Developing Templates Reporting on EAM interests and Educational requirements: Reviewing, questionnaire and conferences Three T wo EA-M network conferences in East Asia European Conference
10 Sl No.COUNTRY NAME 1Name of UniversityFull name 2Weblink/sourceInternet site/handbook/ other source? 3Degree TitleMSc in Environmental studies etc? 4Emphasis on EAEA taught as postgraduate curriculum or as a part within PG curriculum? 5Faculty (Sc,SSc, Eco)/DepartmentScience (Sc), Social Science (SSc), Economics (Eco), others... 6DurationIn months full time/part time 7Fees (euros)Please maintain the home currency where applicable. 8Delivery languageEnglish/French/combination/others... 9Delivery methodOn-line or onsite? 10Focus (teaching/research)Taught programme or research led... 11Geographical specialismInternational/European/Local ? 12Entry requirementsIELTS/TOEFEL/Qualifications/grades as in 2:1/others 13Programme StructureNumber of modules, core modules and optional modules, what these are... 14Credit StructureCredit distribution in the programme. 15 Career opportunities Consultancy/ any particular sector/ not mentioned/ mentioned somewhere else? 16Any other Remarks?
11 Relevance to readership Suitability for respective Higher Education Systems Problems and Benefits Scoring of Chapters Suggestions Case Studies Additional Comments
12 ChHighly Relevant Somewhat relevantNot relevantReasons Recommendations for changing the chapter to make it more relevant
13 Based on Gazzola (2008) 26.6% of the total number of identified modules included in their titles the words environmental assessment. Gazzola & Jha-Thakur (forthcoming) explores the case for India through PENTA 20 UK Universities, 3 Irish Universities and French Universities list ongoing Overlapping programmes
14 Questions and Suggestions?