WELCOME TO SIROA 2015 South-central Independent Rental Owners Association Annual Review and Planning - January 21, 2015
2014 IN REVIEW Eviction Listings and Vendor Power Pricing Waste Station Review Storm Water Fees, Trash Fees, City Water Deposits Section 8 and KY Housing Code Enforcement Court Review with Judge Dotson Insurance and Liabilities Sheriffs’- Boyle, Lincoln, Mercer, Garrard
WHAT ELLEY HAS BEEN UP TO; This represents 26 of 50 Current Members Information The total number of units per county this represents is: 1002 Boyle Mercer Lincoln Garrard - 3 Madison In the past 3 months I have been gathering information from existing members to improve the productivity of the SIROA group for 2015 and to make it grow. During this time: I have driven 381 total miles. Spent hours of speaking with existing members. Sat up 11 existing members onto the website and trained them to use it while I was with them.
INFORMATION GATHERED Biggest current problem in your rental business right now Most of the answers consisted of Maintenance issues or Evictions Collections, Smuggling in Pets, Honesty, Non Pays, Collections on Judgments, Bed Bugs, Payments on Time, Chasing down Rent, Trash Cans, Nastiness, Not Enough Revenue generated for Taxes, Getting Honest Verification, Credible Backgrounds, Subletting What kind of meetings or workshops would benefit you the most Most of the answers consisted of Maintenance ideas, Unity among Property Managers, How to Remove tenant names OFF the List, Quarterly Saturday or Evening Meetings, Comp Care/CASA, Ideas to get around renting to someone (this is something I will be thinking about, as to stay within the Fairness Guidelines), Tools to Investigate potential tenants, Business Principals from Established Current Successful Members, How to Check Credibility, Vendors, Code Enforcement, Interfacing with one another for contacts to use later, Fair Housing, Background Checks, Adding Casey County Property Managers, Animal Control Issues, Creative Ways to deal with issues, What others own, Biographies of other members. And, of course, bringing back the meeting with the Judge and the Sheriffs was an answer each person gave, I believe.
2015 CHANGES TO BE MADE Schedule of Meetings We will have Bi-Monthly Meetings instead of Monthly Meetings January, March, May, July, September, and November In March and November they will be in the evening. Types of Meetings Most of our meetings will be Educational Meetings addressing the topics requested by the Property Managers. There will be very few guest speakers yet the meetings wlll be very informative. Utilizing the website More information will be accessible to you from me this year through the website. You will be using the website as your main tool and need to become familiar with it.
MAJOR PROJECTS THAT WILL BE IN THE WORKS FOR 2015 Renewing the Universal Lease that is Available for Members to use to make sure every new thing possible is included on it.- Last update was February Renewing the Universal Application- Last Updated was February 2013 Listing the upcoming scheduled “Evictions IN Process” straight from the dockets from the counties that we have rental units in as the Evictions are FILED. On my “off” months, I plan to try to have mini introduction meetings in Lincoln, Garrard, Casey, and Mercer Counties with Property Managers at a place in those counties to try and grow the SIROA membership as well as the database.