Insert your presentation title here Los Angeles | London | New Delhi Singapore | Washington DC Insert: Lecturer name/Course name/Course number Lishman et al Social Work An Introduction £ Insert: Name of Campus Bookshop
Insert your presentation title here Los Angeles | London | New Delhi Singapore | Washington DC + Textbook plus Companion Website
Insert your presentation title here Los Angeles | London | New Delhi Singapore | Washington DC Packed full of case studies, activities and tools for real-life practice, this book will: Help you get to grips with and build your essential knowledge base. Support you to develop and hone the key skills you need for effective practice Develop your critical thinking and help you understand how the knowledge and skills you learn apply to practice.
Insert your presentation title here Los Angeles | London | New Delhi Singapore | Washington DC An integrated companion website allows you to: READ Journal Articles to help take your learning to the next level. WATCH vodcasts from students, lecturers, service-users and authors to broaden your understanding. EXPLORE case studies and activities to show you how theory translates into real-life practice. KEEP UP-TO-DATE with links to codes of ethics, frameworks and other useful resources.