STRENGTHS Many job opportunities for students Clear license requirements make for a very professional degree Many universities have related courses
WEAKNESSES There is not enough published work on SEA Currently, combination between theory and practice is problematic Whilst in theory, this should be multi-disciplinary, in practice it often isnt Experts tend to be aware of technical issues, but not social aspects Not enough independent thought taught Lack of integration Implementation and enforcement of environmental management not good Environmental protection department is not strict enough Theres a lack of participation and transparency; many reports are confidential
OPPORTUNITIES Country gives great importance to EA More and more contacts between China and the outside world Lots of experiences with EA in Hong Kong Currently, whilst there is a lot of practical work, there is comparatively little research and even teaching
THREATS After 2012, higher education institutions cannot conduct EAs Many ideas and models are introduced from the outside world, and theres a lack of adaptation to the local situation problem of academic promotion when you work in the field!