Community-Engaged Scholarship
Community Engaged Scholarship “the application of institutional resources to address and solve challenges facing communities through collaboration with these communities” (Stanton, 2007 p.5) SOCIALECONOMY.UTORONTO.CA
L. R. Sandmann 2008 ©
Differences Traditional Scientist generated/initiated Research “on” Scientist in control Researcher is only “expert” Project ends when data are analyzed Community Engaged Collaboratively generated/designed Research “with” Shared ownership Honours community knowledge Makes sure what is learned is used SOCIALECONOMY.UTORONTO.CA
Key Principles Community focused and relevant Builds on strengths & resources within the partnership Facilitates collaboration, learning and capacity building in all phases of research Integrates knowledge gathering & action for mutual benefit of all partners Disseminates findings to all partners SOCIALECONOMY.UTORONTO.CA
Community Partner Benefits Surface important questions Develop research and evaluation skills Knowledge and intervention benefit community Results can be used for advocacy and change New partners and networks SOCIALECONOMY.UTORONTO.CA
University Partner Benefits Community knowledge leads to more relevant research Diversity in experience and expertise Methods responsive to context Accurate and meaningful analysis Results shared with larger audience New partners and new networks SOCIALECONOMY.UTORONTO.CA
Challenges Differences in language and culture Institutional rules and regulations Differing expectations, assumptions and priorities Time consuming Commitment imbalances or unequal work loads Relationship building Power imbalances Compromise SOCIALECONOMY.UTORONTO.CA
Community University Research Alliance What are our hopes for this partnership? What are our fears for this partnership? What are our expectations of our partners? SOCIALECONOMY.UTORONTO.CA
What is Research Ask a question Seek an answer systematically use predefined set of procedures to find an answer Analyze the information gathered and draw conclusions SOCIALECONOMY.UTORONTO.CA
Research Question SOCIALECONOMY.UTORONTO.CA To understand the impact of social businesses in addressing the needs, both social and economic, of marginalized persons in the GTA
Research Focus SOCIALECONOMY.UTORONTO.CA What impacts (social and financial outcomes) are most important? Who are the stakeholders involved? What are the indicators or evidence of impact? How do we gather the evidence (data collection)?