Project made incollaboration with Alan Hudson (London Metropolitan University) Use Second Life as platform for e- learning Second Life has a great lack incompatible with e-learning: absence of data storing
Allow to develop e-learnign activities in Second Life by storing data Ease the management and the access to these data to all the users
Virtual 3D world, composed by avatars led by users Has features of social media and massive multiplayer online game Second Life is a free client program that has its own policies and economy (Linden Dollar)
Their appearance is customizable They can communicate with each others They can walk, run, sit, fly and teleport
Created by users Formed from simple structures (Prims) that are linked Objects are owned by avatars, with configurable permissions Objects can content scripts written in LSL that allow them to interact with avatars
Marketing, advertising and Trade Information means Science projects and disclosure Leisure activities Religious events Diplomatic representation Education activities
Groups any form of teaching and learning which is supported by electronic means (CD, DVD, satellite TV…) and specially computers with internet Self-study Self-organisation
Use of web browsers to access the information Protocols of connection between professor and students, that can be separated in time and/or space. Use of different tools for communications, both asynchronous (forums, mails) and synchronous (chats) Use of multimedia and digital materials (audio, photos, videos…)
Protocols to store, maintain and manage all the materials in a web server Flexible in terms of space and time Interactive Supported by tutorials of the professors Combine individual study with collaborative activities
There are differences in terms of: › Organizational model › Learning model › Material › Rhythm › Flexibility › Communication › Resources › Experience
Client-Server system Client collects important data in SL and sends it to server Server treats received data, store it Users can access the stroed data through a user web interface
Before all, we have to create the needed infrastructures in Second Life
Main objectives: 1. Register avatars 2. Access control to e-learnign rooms 3. Presence control in e-learning rooms 4. Test of knowledgement of users 5. Access to stored data
This process is transparent for the users Scheme master-slave used