RE:NEW phase II Maximising London’s take-up of CERT and Warm Front Leah Davis 12 June 2012
Overview Summary of RE:NEW so far RE:NEW phase II Next steps and getting involved 1 2 3
1. Summary of RE:NEW so far
1. Reduce CO 2 emissions - Cost effective (area based) - Draws upon existing funding streams - Can be scaled up 2. Pan London delivery model - simplifies the London market 3. Secure a higher share of nationally- funded energy efficiency measures Phase I objectives
Customer journey
Delivery – Creating & proving the model Summer 2009 3 trials in areas in: Croydon, Hillingdon and Southwark 817 homes treated ~575 tonnes CO 2 saved November 2009 to July 2010 9 boroughs £1.24m funding 8,119 homes visited ~3,000 tonnes CO 2 saved per year ~43,400 tonnes CO 2 saved over the lifetime of the measures ~£900,000 funding levered ~£700,600 saved on Londoner’s fuel bills per year July 2011 – March 2012 An area in every borough £5.8m funding to boroughs for 2011/12 ~57,000 homes visited Technical trialsDemo projects Pan-London roll-out
2. RE:NEW Phase II
Phase II: Introduction £3.3 million secured for RE:NEW phase II Context - CERT and Warm Front until December 2012/ March Green Deal and Energy Company Obligation (ECO) from October 2012 Primary aim - Maximise the installation of loft and cavity wall insulation - (Primary source of funding until the end of 2012 = CERT. Therefore correlate with groups CERT is currently funding, i.e. focussing the Super Priority Group and cost-effective measures) Secondary objectives - Maintain RE:NEW brand awareness and engagement of London boroughs - Maintain demand in London to help sustain supply chain opportunities and jobs - Develop networks and activities that can be maintained and developed to support Green Deal and ECO Delivered by GLA directly procuring from RE:NEW framework Aim for delivery to start from July 2012
RE:NEW intensive areas - 11 ward-sized areas - Offer to all households in area RE:NEW pan-London offering - Sub-regional - Targeted at the SPG - Promoting to other households RE:NEW phase II Primary criteria 1. Comparatively high concentrations of uninsulated cavity walls 2. Comparatively high concentrations of households eligible for CERT Priority Group 3. Comparatively high numbers of owner occupier and private rental sector 4. Comparatively low numbers of flats 5. Not targeted in previous programmes
Phase II intensive areas 1. GLA London housing stock database - 36 wards ranked in order of potential 2. Borough input - Comment on wards - Suggest new wards - Outline borough networks to target SPG and PG, increase uptake and remove local barrier to delivery 3. Final selection - Primary criteria - Borough commitment - Google street-view to corroborate
The Offer SurveyEasy measures and advice Additional measures, e.g. CERT or Warm Front Subsidy for loft top-up Support to take up all further measures Support for virgin loft take-up Intensive RE:NEW area SPG (not social housing) YYYYY Intensive RE:NEW area PG (not social housing) YYYY Intensive RE:NEW area Able-to-pay YYYY Intensive RE:NEW area Social housing YYY Wider Sub- regional offer SPG (not social housing) YYYYY Wider Sub- regional offer PG (not social housing) YYYY Wider Sub- regional offer Able-to-pay YY Wider Sub- regional offer Social housing Y - Delivery agents are set CO 2 emissions reduction targets and targets for number of homes retrofitted - Separate targets for intensive areas and sub-regional offer - Not prescriptive about how to reach households in sub-region or achieve insulation levels
3. Next steps and getting involved
Next steps Procure sub-regional delivery agent(s) – June 2012 Programme delivery starts – July 2012 Programme delivery completes – March Clearly aiming to have much of the activity undertaken in 2012 to maximise CERT 1 2 3
Getting involved Delivery agents likely to work in areas/ boroughs with most potential and commitment from boroughs and networks - Submitting bids Wednesday 13 th June Boroughs - Boroughs feed in information through templates (networks, tackling local barriers, and potential projects) - Contact delivery agents once confirmed to discuss Third sector and networks - Approach boroughs with how your networks could be used - Approach delivery agents with how your networks could be used
Other projects…. Green Deal implementation project – completing June delivery models for London borough delivery of the Green Deal - Boroughs supported to develop businesses cases Green Deal transition delivery project – late c. £300,000 to test on the ground delivery of Green Deal and create early demand in London Supporting boroughs to tackle local barriers (TBC) Attracting ECO funding in London – social housing (TBC)
Thank you Leah Davis Environment Programme Officer