ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014 WASH Practices Working Group ICTC meeting, Addis Ababa 1 May 2014
ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014 WASH group Terms of Reference To review and further define ICTC preferred practices for F&E strategies Evaluation of existing and development of new capacity strengthening tools To advise field testing of relevant initiatives To identify opportunities for learning, research and innovation Research and programmatic innovation and disseminate available opportunities to the Coalition To liaise with the Monitoring, Impact, and Evaluation WG regarding Identify and build linkages and engagement with the WASH community.
ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014 Dominic Haslam-Sightsavers Chad MacArthur-HKI/KCCO Matthew Freeman- Emory Virginia Sarah-FHF Amanuel Atomsa- FHF Austin Bebe- AMREF Basil Safi- JHU-CCP Stephanie Palmer- Carter Center co-chairs: Yael Velleman- WaterAid Geordie Woods-Sightsavers Group Members
ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014 Work Done to Date Proposed F & E framework outline- London October 2013 F & E Guiding Principles for Partnership, Planning and Design F & E situation analysis template Priority Actions Preferred Practices Toolkit for F & E- Comprehensive Toolkit Providing common terms and vocabulary for WASH and trachoma Research into use: Dissemination of current research and consolidation of findings to ICTC and others more broadly Continued work with MI&E WG to input on common indicators for F & E
ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014 Recognition of the short time scales and immediate need for program guidance on F & E activities Limited evidence to support ICTC preferred practice for F & E Viable Financing-The sustainability of trachoma elimination hinges on continued financial commitments to WASH and BCC activities. Capacity of working group given other time commitments Anticipated Challenges
ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014 Collect feedback and finalize Principles through ICTC mechanisms Finalize components and focus of the framework and toolkit Development of full ToR for work to be done on the Toolkit (to be ready by August 20 th -In place for NNN meeting and country workshps) Dissemination of the F & E guiding principles document to National programs Provide input into proposed WASH and NTDs European roundtable (July 2014) Planned Activities- next steps
ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014 GET 2020 Alliance Emphasis on behaviour change as link determining sustainability of F&E components. Comprehensive hygiene including clean faces Active role from trachoma community to facilitate coordination and uptake of other WASH activities and organizations