Wellington Injury Forum and ICE Meeting 2012 Welcome and overview Ronan Lyons Chair, ICE
Acknowledgements Anna McDowell and Stats NZ team for sponsoring the Wellington Injury Forum meeting Pauline Gulliver for her tremendous work in organising the meeting even though she knew she could not attend Kingsgate Hotel staff Belinda, Kirsten and Pauline for organising speakers
Why a joint meeting? Number of groups with very similar interests and cross- involvement or membership Some organisations/individual cannot cope with even a limited attendance fee We wish to be inclusive and hence joint injury fora/ICE/other group meetings is a pragmatic solution – More about transparency, democracy and membership tomorrow Wish to acknowledge the contribution of the host city – so in 2012 we have Wellington Injury Forum London Olympics
Injury ICE Long history. Purpose, structure and membership concepts revised in 2012 – More tomorrow International Collaborative Effort on Injury Statistics and Methods (Injury ICE) is an organisation dedicated to developing common standardised methods to compare injury statistics across the globe in order to support appropriate policy responses to the global burden of injury. Membership is open to all who share this vision Participation is particularly encouraged from individuals who are willing to engage in core areas of activity and help organise future ICE/Injury Fora meetings, and especially from those who can contribute data and analyses and engage in multi-national collaborative projects.
Final Agenda DAY ONE SATURDAY 29 th SEP 2012 Welcome and overview 9-9:30 Ronan Lyons ICD Chair: James Harrison – Progress to date and future plans – Injury and poisoning – External causes – Out of chapter injury/external cause aspects – ICECI implications MORNING TEA Morbidity Chair: Belinda Gabbe – Operational definition of serious injuries (20 mins) Gabrielle Davie – International diagnosis specific survival probabilities (20 mins) Holly Hedegaard – Population burden of injury (20 mins) Belinda Gabbe – (20 mins) Gordon Smith LUNCH Mortality Chair: Holly Hedegaard – Alcohol-related mortality - data linkage (20 mins) Gordon Smith – WHO/MONASH mortuary based injury surveillance (20 mins) Joan Ozanne- Smith – Multiple causes of death (20 mins) Holly Hedegaad – Operational definition of an injury death (20 mins) Gabrielle Davie AFTERNOON TEA Harmonizing different efforts Chair: Ronan Lyons – WHO data related activities (15 mins) Alex Butchart – European initiatives (15 mins) Ronan Lyons MEETING DINNER AT CAFE POLO DAY TWO SUNDAY 30 th SEP 2012: GBD project (30 mins) Kavi Bhalla and James Harrison BREAKOUT SESSIONS Disability. Facilitator: Belinda Gabbe Severity, Facilitator: Gordon Smith Reporting back MORNING TEA Injury ICE, the way forward Facilitator: Ronan Lyons LUNCH 1-2pm CLOSE
ICE Workshop in Safety nd October 4 brief presentations on ICE projects in different stages – development and implementation of an operational definition of serious injuries – mortuary surveillance as a tool to improve injury related mortality data – using multiple data sources to enhance measurement of injury incidence and mortality – developments in the measurement of non fatal outcomes of injury followed by a question and answer session
Other bits Dinner tonight: Participants not noted for ability to read s and comply with simple instructions on registration and sign up to dinner – More crawling out of the woods, now 21 – Polo restaurant, taxis departing…. Safety2012 epidata training – volunteers for Hank Weiss