Eamonn Cooney AIDA at DESY 27 th March
2 Profile Founded in 2003 as spin out from Durham University, UK Research, development and production of energy discriminating detectors for x ray and gamma ray applications NOVA R&D acquisition ASICs for photon counting, timing and energy discrimination. ECAC Type B Standard 2 Privately funded attracting $35 Million in last 5 years. Strong IP base with 147 patent families over the entire value stream MTPVT Multi-Tube Physical Vapour Transport
3 Business Model Strategy: Technology solution provider and partner to OEM’s in Medical. Nuclear, Defence, Security and Industrial markets. Development of end user products for niche applications
Separate source and growth furnaces, connected by a horizontal transport tube Flow restrictor limits the mass flow, decoupling the growth rate from the source/sink temperature giving high dynamic control over the process MTPVT growth method 4 MTPVT offers a highly controllable and flexible production growth system for CdTe and CZT large volume mono crystalline material
5 MTPVT Scalability
6 Dual energy detectors Scintillator based Energy thresholds are fixed Indirect measurement Kromek Detectors Cadmium Telluride based Direct conversion of energy Multiple energy bands High Low Detect, Image and Identify
Product architecture - 3 core platforms 7 Basis of all product offerings
Unique capability in analogue and mixed signal application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) in radiation detection 1 of only 3 commercial producers of radiation detector ASICs worldwide Key Intellectual Property 14+ ASIC platforms ASICs & electronics for Photon Counting and Gamma Ray Spectrometry 8
Kromek Market Applications
10 Kromek’s Capability Offering ALGORITHM / APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENT DETECTOR ASSEMBLY SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING MATERIAL PRODUCTION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Commercial and Technical input Product Design Specification Programme initiation and management Monte Carlo Modelling 2D and 3D engineering design suite Electrical and electronic design suite Systems architecture expertise MTPVT Process Patented hetero epitaxy process (CdTe or Ge and GaAs) 4” single crystal production process Full suite of metrology Cutting and dicing Lapping and polishing (mechanical and chemical) Mask design and photolithography Wet chemistry processes Physical vapour deposition Low temperature flip chip bonding Patented through via die to chip bonding process Fully automated die on board assembly (6000 components /hr) Software specification and design suite 3D and 2D imaging suite C++ and MATLAB for multiple OS platforms Application development facilities and expertise SPECIFICATION CUSTOMER REQUIREMENT ISO 9001 : PRODUCT DELIVERY Design Manufacturing
Many of our technologies have been developed in partnership with universities and national laboratories.. ESA Institute of Cancer Research National Institute of Health UK Government US Government University of Glasgow University of Surrey University of Liverpool University of Massachusetts Our aim is to find relationships where all parties can gain through Partnership. Solutions 11
Kromek Ltd NETPark Thomas Wright Way Sedgefield County Durham TS21 3FD T: +44 (0) F: +44 (0) E: W: Primary contact: Eamonn Cooney M: +44 (0) T: +44 (0) E: 12 THANK YOU