T HE COUNTDOWN BEGINS … The time to prepare for senior year starts NOW!
C ONTACT US … A – GONMrs. Zamora GOO - OGRMrs. Field OH – ZMr. Orris Follow the Counselors on Twitter for the latest news and announcements: BTXHSCounselors or BHS webpage
G RADUATION R EQUIREMENTS – English-4 credits Math-4 credits (Alg1, Geom, Alg II) Science-4 credits (Bio, Chem, Physics) Social Studies-4 credits (WGeo, WHist, USHist, Gov/Econ) Communication Applications-.5 credit Fine Arts-1 credit Foreign Language-2 credits Physical Education-1 credit Electives-5.5 credits TOTAL = 26 Students must also pass all STAAR tests. English I, II, Biology, Algebra I, US History
RIGHT NOW… Sign up to take the ACT or SAT test SATACT March 14deadline: Feb. 13April deadline: Mar. 13 May BHSdeadline: Apr. 6June 13 deadline: May 8 June 6 deadline: May 8 Benefits to taking the test this year: Prepared for college/scholarship applications right away Have time to retake the test if you don’t do well Fee waivers for students who qualify for free/reduced lunch. Go to the Career Center for more information Misc: SAT Prep Class Start receiving College Planning text on Feb. 10 Interested in playing college sports? Register with the NCAA Clearinghouse – See Mrs. Johnson in the Career Center
E ARLY C OLLEGE S TART P ROGRAM Juniors still have time to take dual credit courses through ACC in the Early College Start program They can take 2 during the summer and 2 each semester in their senior year. Free college classes offered here at BHS during the day (option to go to other ACC campuses or online for $75 fee) Students may already be eligible based on past PSAT, ACT, or SAT scores! If not, we will offer the college readiness test here, the TSI. Students should meet with their counselor to discuss how to get registered.
WHAT ARE COLLEGES LOOKING FOR? GPA/Grades/Rank Courses (Rigor) Test Scores Essays Letters of Recommendation Extracurricular activities (should illustrate leadership/dedication) For the Class of 2016, UT will only automatically accept students in the top 7% of their class.
THIS SUMMER… Collect information on options after high school - Request information from colleges - Schedule campus visits to see if the school is a good fit - Research college/career options through Campus 2 Careers Volunteer and get involved! It looks great on applications. Create or update your resume to have it ready for applications next year. -- Resume Builder in Campus 2 Careers Retake STAAR! (if needed)
IN THE FALL… Meet with your counselor to check your credits and plan out your year. Letters of Recommendation Ask at least 3-4 people to write you one. Make sure to give them plenty of time to write it! Provide them with a resume. People to ask: teachers, administrators, counselors, club sponsors, employers, pastors, etc Scholarships Local scholarship information will be available online mid-semester on Campus 2 Careers Other scholarships will be posted on the BISD website, Twitter, on the bulletin board outside the Guidance Office, and in the Career Center
IN THE FALL… College Applications * Check on the college websites for information on deadlines * Additional sites: ****UT & A&M applications are due Dec. 1 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) PIN # * Your FAFSA will be completed after Jan 1, However, each senior and his/her parent should register for a PIN # (your “electronic signature”) prior to January. MILITARY – Speak with a recruiter about scholarships for college and then going into service. NAVY – deadline is Jan. 31.
HELPFUL HINTS If you ever need your official transcript, see Mrs. Crouch in the Registrar’s Office When colleges request your SAT or ACT test scores, you must request them to be sent directly from the testing company, not BHS If you have attendance hours to make up, see Mrs. Turner for information on how many you owe and when you can make them up If you’re struggling in a class, attend tutorials or set up additional time with your teacher Teachers are available at least 3 times a week in the morning from 8:00-8:30 – tutorial schedules are posted outside each teacher’s door
C AMPUS 2 C AREERS Create a Portfolio Save schools or careers you’re interested in to your portfolio Keep track of scholarships or colleges you’ve applied for Resume Builder Interest Inventory College/Career Exploration Four Year Plan Course Selection
J UNIOR P ARENT M EETING Tuesday Feb. 10 6:30pm BHS Cafeteria
C OMPUTER L AB S CHEDULING Tuesday Feb. 17 & 24