Mid Day Meal Scheme WELCOME Annual Work Plan & Budget 2014-15 UTTARAKHAND MDM Cell, State Project Office, Dehradun
MDM in Uttarakhand 1st phase Selected 107 schools of Sahaspur block in Dehradun as a Pilot project in May 2002. 10049 Children benefited. 2nd phase Started from 14th Nov. 2002 in 2 blocks of each district of Uttarakhand. 3196 primary schools and 237248 students benefited. 3rd phase In all the 13372 primary schools, EGS/AIE of the state from July 2003, 779826 Children benefited. 4th phase In Upper Primary Schools of EBB from 01 January 2008. In all Upper Primary Schools from 01 April 2008. In NCLP Schools from 2010-11.
Institutions covered under MDM (as on 31 Dec 2013) Primary Upper Primary PAB Approval Total Institutions Actual Serving Total Institution 12810 12768 12478 5295 5330 5258 Reasons for Gap Primary-290 schools Upper Primary-72 schools Schools Merged-68 No Enrollment-206 New schools under construction-7 Residential Schools-3 Schools in Forest Land-3 New School-1 Self Management-2 No Enrollment-65 New schools under construction-3 Schools in forest land-1 School in army area-1
Total Beneficiaries under MDM Primary (In Lac) Upper Primary (In Lac) PAB Approval Total Enrollment (30 Sept 13) Benefited (Average of 3 QPR’s) Best Coverage (1st Quarter) (Average of 3 QPR’s) 5.02 5.36 4.30 4.36 3.38 3.68 2.98 3.03 Reasons for Gap Decreasing trend of enrollment in Govt. schools. On an average 20% absenteeism in schools.
Food Grains Allocation, Lifting & Distribution Level Gross Allocation by GOI Lifting by DSOs from FCI Previous Balance at DSOs level Total Food Grains at DSOs level Released by DSOs to Schools % Distribution against availability (From April-December 2013) In MTs PS 11995.55 8017.81 353.63 8371.44 7809.31 93% UPS 11780.46 7876.38 699.39 8575.77 7628.50 89% Total 23776.01 15894.19 1053.02 16947.21 15437.81 91% (From April 2013- March 2014) In MTs 10840.78 11194.41 10783.93 96% 10619.49 11318.88 10607.50 94% 21460.28 22513.30 21391.43 95%
Payment of Cost of Food Grains to FCI Payment till 31 December 2013 Level Bills submitted by FCI (till this month) Payment made to FCI (till this month) Payment in % Pending Bills of Last years Quantity (In MTs) Payment (In Lac) (in MTs) Amount ( in Lac) PS+UPS 15894.17 942.01 14975.58 887.89 94% Payment till March 2014 21460.28 1272.25 21247.08 1260.18 99%
Category wise Bhojan Matas engaged As on 31 Dec 2013 Level SC ST OBC Min Gen Total 3778 1386 4785 784 19594 30327
Iron, Folic acid, Vitamin A, Iodine etc in appropriate quantity Food Norms Food Stuffs Primary Upper Primary Cereals 100 gm 150 gm Pulses 20 gm 30 gm Vegetables (including green leaves) 50 gm 75 gm Oil & Ghee 5 gm 7.5 gm Salt and condiments as required Energy 450 Calories 700 Calories Protein 12 gm Micronutrients Iron, Folic acid, Vitamin A, Iodine etc in appropriate quantity
Menu Book State has prepared and distributed recipes and guideline booklet with the help of home science college of G.B.Pant University of Agriculture & Technology in which 51 local based recipes are prescribed to make weekly menu.
Health Check Up Status (Convergence with NRHM) From April 2013 to December 2013 Total School s Covered Total Children examined Children Identified with different Diseases Children referred to nearest PHC/Hospital 14027 713080 377186 16934 Distribution of Medicines & Equipments Iron & Folic Acid Tablets Deworming Tablets Vitamin A Supplement Spectacles 343418 535341 13857 2902 From April 2013 to March 2014 19661 953510 513912 25907 Vitamin A Supplement 411345 635399 44359 3312
School Health Status Health Check Up by NRHM under School Health Programme From April –December 2013 Up to March 2014 Observed Schools 14027 19661 Observed Students 713080 953510 Diseases Identified from April- December 2013 Anemia 5.95% 5.78% Refractive Errors 2.03% 2.00% Skin Infections 3.68% 3.92% Worms Infections 17.58% 18.19% Dental Diseases 8.87% 9.28% Ear Problems 1.79% 1.97% Physical & mental illness 0.29% 0.26% Other Diseases 11.69% 11.89%
School Health Programme Under Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) Health Check Up by NRHM under RBSK Year wise Report Children Identified with different diseases in percentage Diseases NFHS -3 REPORT (2005-06) 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Sample Size (total children examined) 52 119278 473741 735816 953510 Anemia 72.2 12.35 9.57 9.83 5.78 Eye Diseases 1.25 2.24 2.76 2.0 Skin Infections 2.48 2.61 2.66 3.92 Dental Diseases 6.31 8.89 9.99 9.28 Ear Problems 3.33 2.36 2.22 1.97 Physical/Mental Disorder 0.43 0.33 0.25 0.26 Worms - 18.19 Other Diseases 41.05 11.70 11.31 11.89
YEARWISE ANAEMIA CONDITIONS IN CHILDREN 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 DISTRICTWISE POSITION OF ANAEMIA AMONGST CHILDREN (NFHS-3 SURVEY 2005-06) S.NO. DISTRICTS Anemia (IN %AGE) WEIGHT FOR AGE -3 SD 1 MILD MODERATE SEVERE 1 Almora 18.30 11.19 8.05 7.5 31.2 12.7 0.0 2 Bageshwar 3.45 1.77 1.86 32.3 43.8 51.3 2.1 3 Chamoli 13.39 15.22 16.94 5.97 22.2 41.8 47.9 4.1 4 Champawat 3.40 2.32 3.75 34.8 41.9 45.4 6.7 5 Dehradun 2.90 4.88 8.02 3.90 22.4 50.0 22.5 6 Haridwar 31.72 22.66 19.50 7.05 34.7 50.7 40.7 2.3 7 Nainital 9.58 7.53 5.38 28.4 42.6 41.3 3.1 8 Pauri 18.56 17.67 16.56 1.67 10.0 50.8 23.2 0.6 9 Pithoragarh 6.43 13.50 9.05 20.3 38.0 8.3 1.1 10 Rudraprayag 2.51 7.81 7.55 6.39 20.0 42.5 6.5 0.3 11 Tehri 6.42 5.87 6.08 9.63 31.4 44.4 39.9 6.0 12 U.S.Nagar 3.09 3.92 4.38 40.0 26.2 68.0 5.2 13 Uttarkashi 9.48 4.84 4.31 6.75 18.9 50.9 20.8 Total 12.35 9.57 9.83 5.78 25.8 41.5 36.6 2.8 NFHS:- NATIONAL FAMILY HEALTH SURVEY WAS CONDUCTED IN THE YEAR 2005-06
Inspection & Supervision Total Number of Institutions where MDM is Operational No. of Institution Monitored (April-December 2013) Total Coverage in Percentage 17,736 25,520 144% April 2013-March 2014 17,741 32,584 184%
Steering & Monitoring Committee Meetings at different Levels (2013-14) Total Meeting State Level 03 District Level 30 Block Level 25 School Level In every school
Different Training Modules on MDM Name of Module Module/Presentation Prepared by Prepared for Jagriti Module for community Mob. SSA Two days SMC Members training Training Module SCERT For all Bhojan Mata Teacher Training Module- Sandharb 3 For all teachers under “10 days in service teacher training” "Prayas” SIEMAT For all BRCs and CRCs "Prayan” For all BEOs and Dy BEOs "Prabodh” For all Principals
Toll Free/Complaint Redressal System From 01 January 2009 to December 2013. Complaints/Suggestions through Toll Free Number 18001804132 Complaints/Suggestions through Media Total Registered Total Redressed Under Process Under Process 108 78 30 43 11 32 Up to March 2014 114 105 9 47 36
Initiatives Taken by State Govt. Smokeless “Chulhas” are sanctioned for 10 schools on pilot basis in convergence with Uttaranchal Renewable Energy Development Agency (UREDA). Training of 14655 Bhojanmatas has been completed by SCERT in the 1st phase. 15672 Bhojanmatas will be trained in the 2nd Phase. Initiative was taken to establish “kitchen garden ” in school premises where land is available. 237 Kitchen Gardens have been established.
Initiatives Taken by State Govt. Hand Wash Campaign was initiated in all Govt., Govt. Aided and Private Schools. Dissemination of information regarding the hand wash campaign has been done through Hoarding/Banners across the state sponsored by Canara Bank under CSR. 60 Bhojanmatas have been trained as Master Trainer for training of Cook cum Helper by Institute of Hotel Management, Dehradun.
Initiatives Taken by State 14 MIS Coordinators were appointed in district level. Incentive of Rs.1000 per annum is given to all bhojanmatas in addition to their monthly honorarium. All schools are provided Rs. 1000 to procure soaps, nail cutter, aprons, head cover, gloves etc. Maintenance of Food Test Register & Tasting of food by SMC before serving to children is made mandatory for all schools.
Initiatives Taken by State Grading of Schools has been started on twenty grade points. Issues like hygiene, health, contingency plan, Quality, Availability of food grains and cooking cost in advance, Infrastructure etc. covered under grading. According to grading done in IV quarter the top three best performing districts were Uttarkashi, Champawat & Udhamsingh Nagar. The last three poor performing districts were Pithoragarh, Almora & Rudraprayag.
Infrastructure and facilities provided under MDM As on 31 December 2013 Health Cards Drinking Water Toilet Facility Cooking Gas Solar Cookers Weight Machines Weighing Machines Menu Books Kitchen Devices Compendium Guidelines Smokeless Chulhas## 11.08 lacs^ 16,649 33,743# 8468** 846* 13,432 2,072 18,000 17,736 300 20000 14* ^ In PS health cards are provided by MDM & in UPS cards are provided by NRHM. # 17092 boys toilets, 16651 girls toilet. **4844 gas connections are in use. Grant released for 3624 Schools for procurement of gas connections in 2011-12. *From Uttarakhand Renewable Energy Development Agency (UREDA) ## On pilot basis
Observations/Outcome of different Surveys/Studies The children were encouraged to wash hands before and after eating their food in all schools, which is very positive start- National Institute of Administrative Research , Mussoorie (Monitoring Report-2012) Eating together by children in school has cut down many undesirable social barriers especially, Untouchability- JPS Associate Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. From the time, MDMS started in schools, attendance improved in PS as well as UPS in the districts- G.B.Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar. In schools there was an improvement in attendance post-MDM- Academy of Management Studies, Dehradun. The programme has specifically supported greater enrolment and attendance of children from poor families and increased interest in parents in sending their children to schools.- New Concept Information Systems Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi
Kitchen cum Stores Sanctioned Year No. of Kitchen cum Stores Total Construction Cost (In Lac) Central Share (In Lac) State Share (In Lac) Up to 2009-10 4972 2983.20 0.0 2010-11 3800 5217.80 3913.35 1304.45 2011-12 4855 6692.24 5102.88 1589.07 2012-13 2267 4381.22 3285.92 1095.31 2013-14 26 66.86 50.14 16.72 Total 15920 19341.64 15335.81 4005.54
Progress of Kitchen cum Store Sanctioned Up to 2013-14 Total Constructed In Progress Yet to Start Remark 15920 11529 3800 591 SLSMC has decided not to construct KS where enrollment is less than 10.
Budget Utilization 2013-14 (Rs. in Lakhs) Total Plan 2013-14 State Provision Opening Balance (Central+ State) Releases including Central Share Expenditure up to December 2013 % Expenditure against Release+OB 16900.87 16884.45 2513.93 14710.41 11524.96 67 % Up To March 2014 15304.90 89 %
Share Wise Budget Utilization 2013-14 (Rs. in Crores) Central Share State Share Total Approved Budget 115.24 53.76 169.00 Opening Balance 18.91 6.22 25.13 Release 98.30 48.80 147.10 Total availability 117.21 55.03 172.24 Expenditure 103.73 49.31 153.04 Unspent Balance 13.48 5.72 19.20 % Expenditure against release 88% 90% 89%
District Wise Budget Utilization 2013-14 (Rs. in Crore) As on 31 March, 2014 District Approval Opening Balance As on1-4-2013 Release CS+SS Total Exp % of Expenditure Almora 14.50 1.29 13.78 15.08 13.61 90 Bageshwar 6.23 0.48 5.99 6.47 6.16 95 Chamoli 9.75 0.64 8.95 9.60 8.84 92 Champawat 6.08 0.17 6.03 6.20 5.53 89 Dehradun 17.41 2.98 14.89 17.87 14.96 84 Haridwar 21.88 6.35 15.49 21.85 16.76 77 Nainital 14.27 1.52 12.93 14.46 13.05 Pauri 15.10 1.45 13.90 15.36 14.66 Pithoragarh 10.93 0.87. 10.29 11.16 10.76 96 Rudrprayag 6.17 0.33 5.77 6.11 5.65 Tehri 16.35 2.27 14.26 16.53 15.30 93 U.S. Nagar 21.65 5.38 17.06 22.44 18.95 Uttarkashi 8.21 0.76 7.68 8.45 7.95 94 168.60 24.55 147.02 171.57 152.17 State level 0.40 0.58 0.08 0.67 0.87 100 G.Total 169.00 25.13 147.10 172.24 153.04
Non Recurring Assistance Budget Provision in the state Budget for the Year 2014-15 (Rs. In Lakhs) S.No. Component Grand total Total Gen SC ST 1 2 3 4 5 6 Recurring Asssitance Cost of Food grains 1222.91 301.76 63.53 1588.20 Cooking Cost 7396.86 1825.20 384.26 9606.32 Honorarium to Cook-cum-Helper 3810.23 940.20 197.92 4948.35 Transportation Assistance 314.33 77.57 16.33 408.23 MME 161.83 39.94 8.41 210.18 Incentive for cook cum helper (only state share) 254.02 62.68 13.19 329.89 7 Additional (LPG) 446.02 110.05 23.17 579.24 8 Salary MDM Staff 30.80 7.60 1.60 40.00 Non Recurring Assistance 9 Kitchen-cum-Store 0.00 10 Kitchen Devices 235.89 58.21 12.25 306.35 13872.89 3423.21 720.66 18016.76
Annual work plan and Budget proposal by State for MDM 2014-15 (As per the best Quarter April-June 2013) Rs. In crore Head Level Central Assistance State Assistance Total Remark Cooking Assistance PS (436008 children) 28.26 9.45 37.72 @3.59Per child/day,75:25 (2.69+0.90) NCLP children included in UPS 0.00 UPS (303559 children) 29.48 9.87 39.35 @5.38 Per child/day, 75:25 (4.03+1.35) Cooking Assistance(gas) PS-(3498) 5.96 1.98 7.95 Additional Cost of LPG over subsidy in 75:25 UPS-(261) 0.38 0.12 0.51 Kitchen cum Store PS+UPS - 0 No Requirement for 2014-15 Kitchen Devices PS + UPS (2971+2706) 100% GOI 2.83 Transportation LPG cylinders PS+UPS 2.23 Transportation (food grains) Subsidy PS - 10507.79 MT 1.60 100% GOI @ Rs. 1524.90/MTs UPS- 10973.66 MT 1.67 MME PS 2.04 4% of Cooking Assistance,Transportation Subsidy , Honorarium of cooks & cost of foodgrains. UPS 1.81 Honorarium of cooks PS - 19960 14.97 29.94 Rs 1000 per month, 75:25, Rs 500 additional by State Govt. UPS - 10367 7.77 15.55 Cost of Foodgrains 6.23 @ 5650 per MT+VAT@5% 6.51 Salary Staff 0.40 Govt. Staff only 111.79 44.59 156.38 No. of school days 241, NCLP 313 days State Budget provsion Rs 180 crore for MDM in 2014-15 Best Quarter- April to June 2013
Highlights of the plan 2104-15 State Level Steering cum Monitoring Committee has decided to take new initiatives in 2014-15 as follows: To explore the possibility to use Biomass Briquettes as fuel in smokeless Chuhlas in the consultation with UREDA, Forest Department and University of Petroleum and Energy Studies. Prepare and print the training module relating to safety from fire hazards in convergence with Department of Fire and Disaster Mitigation & Management Centre.
Highlights of the plan 2104-15 Formulating strategy to check the adulteration in Food Ingredients i.e. oil and condiments etc used in school by a competent authority like Food and Safety Department. Provision of soaps in schools from the budget provided to Village Health, Sanitation & Nutrition Committee by NRHM. Establish Kitchen Gardens in schools where land is available in convergence with Forest/Horticulture department. Additional plan proposed of Rs. 1.75 crore for 12 thousand children enrolled in 73 new madarasas recognized by Uttarakhand Madarasa Board.
Highlights of the plan 2014-15 To Strengthen the mechanism for screening various diseases in children and provide medicines in RBSK programme through NRHM. Strengthening system to assure regular and timely payments of transportation cost to Fair Price Shopkeeper through DSOs. Efforts are being made for registration/License for all schools where MDM is provided under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006.
New demand under additional MME for 2014-15 IVRS Based Monitoring and Establishment of MIS System under Mid Day Meal-Rs. 50 Lakhs approx. Provisions of grants for tools and technical support to schools where land is available for kitchen garden- Rs. 5 Lakhs approx. Provision of grants to all schools for Registration and License under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2011- Rs. 54 Lakhs approx. To provide 10 days training to 500 Bhojanmatas through Institute of Hotel Management, Dehradun- Rs. 10 Lakhs approx. Establish fire extinguisher in all schools in phased manner-Rs. 50 Lakhs approx. To check the food sample by the lab approved by National Accreditation Board for testing & Calibration Laboratories (NABL) or Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)-Rs. 30 Lakhs
MIS Data Entry Report 2013-14 District No. of Schools Annual Data Monthly Data Entry Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Almora 1908 Bageshwar 824 Chamoli 1396 Champawat 714 Dehradun 1441 Pauri 983 Haridwar 1419 Nanital 2304 Pithoragarh 1607 Rudraprayag 814 Tehri 2026 U S Nagar 1196 Uttarkashi 1093 Total 17725
Issues As the MME is 1.8% of the total AWP&B the money provided for MME is not sufficient as the scale of operation is large. To gather day to day vital data of MDM of each school is an enormous work, so additional budget is required under MME for IVRS based monitoring & establishment of MIS. To ensure regular supply of gas cylinders up to schools in hilly and remote areas transportation cost of LPG cylinders is requested. Cooking Cost is not sufficient in the schools where enrolment is less than 20.
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