SSRF Beamline Control System


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Presentation transcript:

SSRF Beamline Control System LIU Ping Beamline Control Group 2011.06.13

Contents 1. Overview 2. Personnel Safety Interlock System(PSIS) 3. Equipment Protection System(EPS) 4. Motion Control System 5. Operator Interfaces(OPI)

1.1 Overview: Purposes of control Protecting people from the X-ray radiation hazard. Protecting the equipments from damage. Detecting the position of the X-ray beam. Controlling the optical components to get the satisfied beam. Monitoring and archiving the status of beamline, issuing the information of beamline status.

1.2 Overview: Tasks of control Personnel safety interlock system Equipment status monitor and protecting system Diagnosing the beam position with XBPM. Optical elements motion control

1.3 Overview: Principles of control Based on an general and standard platform. Scalable, Reliable and flexible. Easy to maintain, upgrade and extend. Easy to use commercial devices. Rich interfaces to experimental application programs.

1.4 Overview: Hardware Framework Motor driver XBPM Acquisition PSIS and EPS Motion control

1.5 Overview: Hardware and Software Upper level:Personal Computer Middle level:IOC based on VME or PC Low level: Motion controller and driver based on VME Industrial PLC, I/O module, serial port server module, temperature module, and ADC module based on Ethernet Software EPICS/synApps:Motor、transform、autoSaveRestore、sscan StreamDevice、Asyn、SNL、Edm

1.6 Overview: Beamline Control System Front End Optical Hutch Experimental Hutch Equipment Protection System Safety InterlockSystem Motion Control System Operation Interface Ethernet Display Interface Servers Gateways

1.6 Overview: Beamline Control System Control Channels IOCs Computers Operator Interface MX 1275 7 2 115 SAXS 1188 6 103 XMF 2076 8 152 XRD 1306 XAFS 1905 176 XIM 1219 106 STXM 924 77 Total 9893 47 14 844

2. Personnel Safety Interlock System Personnel Safety Interlocking System is to setup a logical action between Optical Shutters and Door Switches, Search Buttons to keep the people from the probable Radiation Hazard. Front End Optical Hutch Experimental Hutch Photon shutter Safety Shutter1 Safety Shutter2 Door Switches Search Buttons Emergency Buttons

Photographs of PSIS FE Control Panel Display Screen Search Buttons Emergency Buttons SS2 Control Panel Display Screen BL PS&SS1 Control Panel Emergency Buttons

3. Equipment Protection System Equipment Protection System is to alarm and take actions to protect the equipments from damage while the monitored parameters such as temperature, vacuum, cooling water flow, pressure of compressed air over the set threshold. Water Flow Experimental Hutch Optical Hutch Front End Temperature Vacuum Beam Kick

Frontend EPS PLC Temperature Monitor Display Screen Water Flow Monitor Serial port Server Water Flow Monitor Vacuum Monitor PLC Aperture Safety Shutter Fluorescent Screen Aperture Photon Shutter

Excluding EPS actions by compressed air ! 4. Motion Control System Motion Control System is to control the optical elements to get the wanted X-ray beam in Energy, spot size and Flux. Excluding EPS actions by compressed air ! Front End Optical Hutch Experimental Hutch Detector Signal Acquisition Motion Control

Motion Control Cabinet Piezo controller Step motor driver VME/IOC Motion Controller

5. Motion Control Interface Slit Control Panel Beamline Motion Control Interface Mirror Control panel Physical Parameter Control WBPM control Panel Motor Control

Control Panel for LN2-cooled DCM Piezo Control Panel

Control Panel for Plane Grating Monochromator Local Controller Control Panel based on EPICS

Control Panel for Water-cooled DCM Local Controller Control Panel based on EPICS

Beamline Status Monitoring Parameters of Accelerator Frontend Status Safety Interlock System Status Beamline Status

Information Services Beamlines summary interface XBPM data BL detailed status Alarms Temperatures Vacuum pump current All actions and status parameters are monitored and archived. Status information can be released to internet under permission.

Acknowledgement Dr. Mitsuhashi Toshiyuki, Dr. Xiaowei Zhang from Photon Factory, Japan High Energy Accelerator Organization, Dr. Aoyagi Hideki from Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute, Dr. Deming Su from Advanced Photon Source, for their help and salutary advice on BBPM structural design. Dr. Dongliang Chen from Beijing Synchrotron Facility for CVD fluorescent screen test. Dr. Detlef Vermeulen, Dr. David Maden, Dr. Claude Pradervand, Dr. Elke Zimoch, Dr. Dirk Zimoch, Dr. Renate Krempaska, Dr. Juraj Krempasky, Dr. Jud Gaudenz, Dr. Werner Portmann, Dr. Rene Kapeller, Dr. Colin Higgs from Swiss Light Source for beneficial discussion on beamline control system. Dr. Tim Mooney from Advanced Photo Source, Dr. Zhijian Yin from Brookhaven National Laboratory, for discussion on motion control. Dr. Noboru Yamamoto from Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, Dr. Takashi Obina, Dr. Jun-ichi Odagiri from Japan High Energy Accelerator Organization, for discussion on setting up the platform of developing control system.

Thank you