The A-V of Applying for University in 2016 Access Monash The A-V of Applying for University in 2016 Sam Driscoll 5th August 2015
Entry Schemes
Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) SEAS provides consideration for students whose opportunity to demonstrate their potential may have been restricted due to their circumstances Once you have submitted your VTAC course application you can submit a SEAS application via your VTAC User Account on the VTAC website Your SEAS application is assessed by VTAC then information is provided to all the institutions on your preference list You can apply for SEAS only when you have completed your VTAC course application. All information is kept confidential and the bonus points are not revealed to the school or students. The application is assessed by VTAC and you are given a “score” for each category. This information is passed on to each university. At Monash the maximum SEAS bonus is 10 ATAR points. Other Universities apply SEAS differently.
How does SEAS work? SEAS adjusts the ATAR of eligible students through bonus points added to aggregate score SEAS bonus points can’t be used to improve individual subject study scores – you must still meet all score prerequisites Maximum SEAS bonus is different for each university Check Monash SEAS calculator for an estimate Each university determines the weighting they will give to the different categories. The scores are added to give determine a total SEAS bonus. When the SEAS bonus is added to your aggregate score it is re-calculated to give you an adjusted ATAR. Selection into a course will be based on your adjusted ATAR. You will NOT see this or be given details of your SEAS bonused ATAR. Monash awards a maximum of 20 bonus aggregate points, which translates into a maximum of 10 additional ATAR points Remember – you can apply under multiple categories and all your points are added together.
SEAS Categories explained Personal information and location Includes mature age consideration, recognition as an Indigenous Australian, home or school location, gender, non-English speaking background and under-represented schools. Each university has its own list of under-represented schools. Difficult circumstances Covers circumstances that have affected your education. Includes refugee status, long term illness of family member, death in family, and abusive living environment. You must explain the circumstances, the duration and how they have impacted your ability to study. Category 1 – Personal information and location – No additional questions to answer – just tick a box!! Information will be taken from your course application. (Over 900 students last year were eligible for Category 1 but DID NOT tick the box!) For Monash Student must be born outside Australia in a non English speaking country and arrived in Australia in the last 6 years (after 1 January 2010). Other universities this is 10 years. Will be activated based on information from your VTAC application. Monash listed under-represented schools – will be used for Monash Guarantee only. (All SAM Schools on list Except: FRANKSTON HIGH, JOHN PAUL COLLEGE, NAZARETH) RURAL CONSIDERATION for school location is based on Australian Standard Geographic Classification Category 2 – Difficult Circumstances – Refers to circumstances that may have affected your education, this may include long term family illness, death in the family, bush fires or refugee status. As part of this category you must work to explain the circumstances and how they have impacted your ability to study in what is known as an impact statement and a statement of support. Category 3 - Disadvantaged financial circumstances Examples may be bankruptcy, unable to work due to medical condition, farm affected by drought/floods. Parental Centrelink – Can provide a hardcopy of FTB A statement - showing family income (show example of approved letter – fortnightly statement). You will also need to write the relationship you have with the person who is receiving the payments – e.g. – Mother or Father. Must also attach a cover letter with these hard copies. This can be downloaded from the VTAC website. Individual Centrelink - If you are in receipt of a Centrelink benefit, provide Your Centrelink Reference Number (CRN), this will then be sent to Centrelink and matched up against the information you have provided in your VTAC application. You must be in receipt of the payment otherwise the check will indicate it is not you but someone else. No Centrelink - If you are not in receipt of a Centrelink benefit, you can provide an impact statement outlining how your financial background has negatively affected your preparation for tertiary study. You must also include with this a statement of support from a relevant person with knowledge of your financial situation eg Accountant, Lawyer, Social Worker etc.
SEAS Categories explained Disadvantaged financial background If you’re on Centrelink (Youth Allowance or Health Care Card) you must provide your own Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN). If your parents are on Centrelink you must provide hard copy documents. If you don’t receive Centrelink benefits you can provide an impact statement. Must have statement of support. 4. Disability or medical condition Covers any illness or disability that has affected your education. You must explain the circumstances, the duration and how they have impacted your ability to study. Category 3 - Disadvantaged financial circumstances Examples may be bankruptcy, unable to work due to medical condition, farm affected by drought/floods. Parental Centrelink – Can provide a hardcopy of FTB A statement - showing family income (show example of approved letter – fortnightly statement). You will also need to write the relationship you have with the person who is receiving the payments – e.g. – Mother or Father. Must also attach a cover letter with these hard copies. This can be downloaded from your VTAC account. Individual Centrelink - If you are in receipt of a Centrelink benefit, provide Your Centrelink Reference Number (CRN), this will then be sent to Centrelink and matched up against the information you have provided in your VTAC application. You must be in receipt of the payment otherwise the check will indicate it is not you but someone else. No Centrelink - If you are not in receipt of a Centrelink benefit, you can provide an impact statement outlining how your financial background has negatively affected your preparation for tertiary study. You must also include with this a statement of support from a relevant person with knowledge of your financial situation eg Accountant, Lawyer, Social Worker etc. Category 4 – Disability or medical condition Medical conditions can include if you have suffered from Glandular Fever, reduced eye sight etc. You must provide an impact statement to explain your circumstances and how they have impacted on your studies. Relates to yourself, it a family member has suffered from an illness then it is covered under the difficult circumstances category.
Supporting Documents – Centrelink Benefits If statement is not in your name, write your relationship to person on statement If your name is included as a dependent, detail your relationship
How do I complete the Impact Statement? Outline your circumstances and how they have negatively affected your education Doesn’t need to be long – just include the relevant points Include dates/duration and link to impact on studies (eg. missed 4 weeks of class) Poor impact statements include: Blank statements ‘See my scholarships application’ ‘See above’ ‘Contact me for details’ As part of your application you will need to complete impact statements for some categories. This is an opportunity for you to provide details of your circumstances that have affected your studies – so make sure YOU write it! Remember . . . . Evidence is key. Category 2 (Difficult Circumstances) requires you to provide An impact statement outlining the nature of your circumstances and how it has negatively affected your preparation for tertiary study. AND A statement of support from a medical practitioner, lawyer, counsellor, teacher, religious or community leader etc. Category 3 (Disadvantaged financial background) requires – If you are not on a Centrelink benefit then you will need to have a statement of support from someone who is aware of your financial circumstances outlining how this has impacted your studies. Category 4 (Disability or medical condition) requires A statement giving details of the nature and period of the condition, and outlining how it has affected your preparation for tertiary study AND A statement of support from the relevant health professional or educational practitioner.
What about the Statement of Support? Statements should be brief, to the point and reinforce your impact statement – evidence is key Poor statements: ‘Call me for more details’ ‘The student has told me’ ‘I verify what [student] has written’ Vague – does not mention the circumstances Generic – does not differentiate between impact on each student when a group has been affected Responsible person – doctor, teacher, counsellor – must be able to confirm your circumstances Ensure documents are legible! A Statement of Support is provided by someone who is aware of your circumstances and can confirm the details and the impact it has had on you. These work to support your impact statement. Categories 3 and 4 require a statement of support Statements of support must be from a responsible person or medical practitioner…NOT A RELATIVE. A responsible person can include – Doctor Teacher Counsellor Make sure you provide a copy of your Impact Statement to the person writing your Statement of Support. Then they will be aware of what you have written. On any piece of evidence submitted that is not in your name (i.e. the applicant), write the relationship of the person to you next to their name on the document eg. FTB A Cover Sheets – There are cover sheets that must be used when sending SEAS evidence to VTAC. These can be printed from your online VTAC account.
The Monash Guarantee Your potential to succeed at university is about more than just your ATAR Categories: Financially disadvantaged Indigenous Australians From a Monash under-represented school A guaranteed place at Monash or a guaranteed interview/audition Guaranteed ATARs starting from 70.00 Carrum Downs SC is on the Monash under-represented school list, so you are all eligible for this scheme What does it mean? The Monash Guarantee means we can offer you a place in a course (or guaranteed interview or audition) even if your ATAR is below the clearly in. The required ATAR (and UMAT where relevant) for The Monash Guarantee is lower than the normal clearly-in ATAR score that students are required to achieve. The Monash Guarantee is based on your raw ATAR not your bonused ATAR You eligibility for this scheme is assessed through your SEAS & scholarship application. Monash has identified a number of schools from which we would like to see more students coming to university. We know these students have the potential to excel at university so want to encourage you to apply. Important to make the distinction between an offered place and access to an audition or interview All Monash courses are on the list.
The Monash Guarantee – Eligibility Be completing VCE or IB this year Satisfy the criteria for financial disadvantage OR attend a Monash listed under-represented school OR be an Indigenous Australian Meet the guaranteed ATAR for your preferred course Satisfy all course prerequisites and extra requirements such as the UMAT, portfolio, interview or audition Be an Australian or New Zealand citizen or holder of an Australian permanent resident visa or permanent humanitarian visa
How the Monash Guarantee Works Caroline thinks she will get an ATAR of 90 and wants to study Biomedical Science. She knows that last year the clearly-in ATAR for this course was 95.50. Caroline is on Youth Allowance so she is eligible for the Monash Guarantee under the category of financial disadvantage. Caroline has completed a SEAS application and provided her CCRN. She will get an offer for the Bachelor of Biomedical Science as this course is included under the Monash Guarantee with an ATAR of 88.
Other Pathways
What if I don’t get into my dream course? Consider other pathways! All universities offer a range of pathway programs as an alternative to direct entry When you successfully complete the pathway program and meet the entry requirements, you can gain entry into your course of choice – sometimes with credit Visit university Change of Preference sessions to get further advice following release of results Monash Change of Preference Information Session – Wednesday 16 December 2015
Monash Pathways Secure your future with a pathway into Monash: Diploma of Tertiary Studies (DoTS) Diploma of Higher Education (DoHE) Monash College diplomas – scholarships available Transfer from another university course after first year TAFE qualifications Monash University offers a range of pathway programs that provide an alternative to direct entry into university. Pathway programs at Monash can be a bridge between school and university, making the transition as smooth and simple as possible. The programs are designed to equip you with the skills needed to meet university entry requirements and succeed in your chosen degree. Monash College – Successfully complete a one-year diploma at Monash College, then enter second year of more than 20 Monash University degrees. Full fee paying – scholarships are available for domestic students to cover tuition fees. Diplomas available in: Art and design Arts Business Engineering
Diploma of Tertiary Studies (DoTS) One year program that allows you to study towards a Monash degree Take 6 first year units from your preferred stream + 2 introductory units On successful completion, enter into second year of a range of Monash degrees Entry requirements: Year 12 with ATAR of 50.00 OR a recognised graded TAFE Cert IV with 70% average OR a recognised graded TAFE Diploma with 60% average VCE Units 3/4 – study score of 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in English Supplementary form Stream Berwick Peninsula Business Administration Business Education Nursing You'll complete two core units. The first will introduce you to what it's like to study at university, and the second will look at the importance of understanding knowledge in a range of graduate professional contexts. The subjects that you do in those streams will then contribute as credit, and if you are successful in this DoTS stream you can transfer into your second year at university in your preferred course. Eligibility - Takes into account life experience and drive and desire to succeed at university as well as ATAR or TAFE qualifications. You'll then have the flexibility to choose a stream that interests you from Business, Education, Nursing. Pathway into destination degree at that campus. If you were interested in going to Caulfield it would not be a direct transfer. The subjects that you do in those streams will then contribute as credit, and if you are successful in this stream you can trsfer into your 2 yr at university in your pref course.
Diploma of Higher Education (DoHE) One-year alternative entry program similar to DoTS Taught at Clayton campus On successful completion, enter into second year of a Monash degree depending on your stream: Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Education (Honours) and Bachelor of Science Entry requirements: Year 12 with ATAR of 65.00 OR a recognised graded TAFE Cert IV with 70% average OR a recognised graded TAFE Diploma with 65% average VCE Units 3/4 – study score of 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in English Supplementary form
Monash Scholarships Merit scholarships: Equity scholarships: Selection based on ATAR No application required Equity scholarships: Apply through VTAC – provide supporting documentation You can use the same Statement of Support as for your SEAS application Categories include: Experiencing financial disadvantage Indigenous Australian descent Recent refugees Experiencing difficult circumstances From regional and remote areas Have a disability or medical condition Attended an under-represented school Merit Scholarships- Merit scholarships are based on your academic achievement (VCE results), you do not need to apply for these directly. In most instances, you will be assessed for all merit scholarships at each university that is listed as one of your course preferences * there are some that have a separate application process (e.g. Monash Community Leaders Scholarship). Check our website for further info: Equity Scholarships- There are also scholarships that are based on equity (your circumstances). Equity is a word used to group together people from a range of different circumstances. For instance, you may have experienced some difficulties while studying or be from an URS. When you apply for these you must demonstrate your financial disadvantage. You apply for these scholarships through your VTAC application. Also scholarships based on Merit AND Equity! You apply for Equity or Merity and Equity scholarships via VTAC scholarship application. This application is similar to SEAS – one application is provided to all universities. These applications must also provide supporting documentation, this can be the same statements as provided in your SEAs application. However, Do NOT write refer to SEAS
Demonstrating your Scholarship Eligibility Financial disadvantage: Identify family structure (marital status, living arrangements, children) Identify if you or your parents receive a Centrelink benefit Statement about family income and the number of people this income supports only required if NOT receiving a Centrelink benefit Community and leadership experience: Think about all aspects of your life including school and any community involvement Scholarship benefit: Explain how the scholarship will assist you financially, socially and academically Community leaders – participation in school activities participation in Scouts, Rotary, Student Rep Council, School captain, not for profit organisations eg world vision, active member of your church, synagogue, temple, mosque Scholarship - Example – assist you to pay for accommodation, books, study materials. Allow you to have some independence from your parents. Think about aspect of your life – how will this scholarship benefit you?
Other Equity Scholarships and Bursaries Monash Scholarship for Excellence and Equity ATAR 95+ Experiencing financial disadvantage 130 available @ $6000/year Monash University Support Bursary Experiencing disadvantage 250+ available @ $3000/year Monash Rural Housing Bursary Living in rural area and experiencing financial disadvantage 48 available @ $6000/year Monash UniStart Bursary Guaranteed for all commencing students experiencing financial disadvantage Minimum $500 one-off payment Community leaders – participation in school activities participation in Scouts, Rotary, Student Rep Council, School captain, not for profit organisations eg world vision, active member of your church, synagogue, temple, mosque Scholarship - Example – assist you to pay for accommodation, books, study materials. Allow you to have some independence from your parents. UniStart Bursary – All those experiencing financial disadvatnage will receive one off payment. Need to submit a scholarships application to be assessed for this however.
Monash Community Leaders Scholarship ATAR: 90.00+ Value: $4,000 for one year (you can reapply each year) For: Domestic students who demonstrate commitment to contributing positively to the community How to apply: You must apply to become an Access Monash Ambassador – Community leaders – participation in school activities participation in Scouts, Rotary, Student Rep Council, School captain, not for profit organisations eg world vision, active member of your church, synagogue, temple, mosque Scholarship - Example – assist you to pay for accommodation, books, study materials. Allow you to have some independence from your parents.