Contents Cryogenic system introduction What does the cryogenic system need to do its job? Conditions to start powering: CRYO_START When do we have to stop powering: CRYO_MAINTAIN Quench and quench recovery How operators get an overview of the cryo process What instrumentation is available to understand quenches?
LHC Cryogenic system operation 8 sectors 8 refrigerators 8 cold compressor systems Cold interconnecting boxes (QUI [8], QURC[8]) 25 km of cryostats in superfluid helium 1400 control loops for c.l. control [powering] 320 control loops for magnets T control [powering/beam] 600 control loops for beam screen T control [beam] few 1000’s control loops for cryo operation
LHC cryogenic system layout Odd point Even point Odd point MP Storage MP Storage MP Storage 1.8 K New Existing 1.8 K Refrigeration 4.5 K 4.5 K Refrigeration Unit Refrigerator Refrigerator Unit Warm Warm Warm Warm Warm Surface Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor Station Station Station Station Station Upper Upper Cold Box Cold Box Cold Box Cold Box Shaft Lower Lower Cold Box Cold Box Cold Cold Cold Cavern Compressor Compressor Compressor box box Interconnection Box box Distribution Line Distribution Line Tunnel Magnet Cryostats, DFB, ACS Magnet Cryostats, DFB, ACS Magnet Cryostats, DFB, ACS Magnet Cryostats, DFB, ACS LHC Sector (3.3 km) LHC Sector (3.3 km)
LHC Cryogenic Components in Tunnel 4 circuits: The cooling and filling circuit : Line C and D The thermal shield circuit : Line E and F (no control valves for the standard cell, line E pass across the ARC) The cold support and beam screen circuit : Line C and D The superfluid helium circuit: line C and B
LHC magnets cooling scheme
Tunnel components cooled by the cryogenic system
What does each sector cryogenic system need? Electric power about 4 MW; 3 GWh/month 150 kCHF/month Cooling and ventilation 600 m3/h of water Cooling towers Compressed air Helium and nitrogen 15 t of He – 0.5 MCHF 1260 t of LN2 – 0.2 MCHF Frequently, presenters must deliver material of a technical nature to an audience unfamiliar with the topic or vocabulary. The material may be complex or heavy with detail. To present technical material effectively, use the following guidelines from Dale Carnegie Training®. Consider the amount of time available and prepare to organize your material. Narrow your topic. Divide your presentation into clear segments. Follow a logical progression. Maintain your focus throughout. Close the presentation with a summary, repetition of the key steps, or a logical conclusion. Keep your audience in mind at all times. For example, be sure data is clear and information is relevant. Keep the level of detail and vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Use visuals to support key points or steps. Keep alert to the needs of your listeners, and you will have a more receptive audience. In your opening, establish the relevancy of the topic to the audience. Give a brief preview of the presentation and establish value for the listeners. Take into account your audience’s interest and expertise in the topic when choosing your vocabulary, examples, and illustrations. Focus on the importance of the topic to your audience, and you will have more attentive listeners. Vacuum 10-3 mbar CRYO Controls: Networks, fieldbuses, PLC, SCADA
State diagram and cryogenic system process Powering: Change toTT891=50K
CRYO_START (authorization for powering) considerations The CRYO_START is a start interlock. Therefore once the conditions are met the powering is authorised without any further acknowledgement. It requires a manual intervention (operator request) by the cryogenic operator. It will also modify the control temperature of the HTS leads. The CRYO_START ensures that the required conditions to power the magnets are met. It gives sufficient margins to “safely” operate cryogenic equipment (temperatures, pressures, levels). It does not protect equipment (it does not replace the quench protection system, the voltage taps, the beam monitors, etc.). If the CRYO_START disappears the machine can still safely run for several minutes.
CRYO_MAINTAIN (request for slow discharge) The CRYO_MAINTAIN is a full stop interlock which cause a slow discharge. An operator acknowledgement is therefore needed to be able to power again the magnets. Only the conditions that will directly and rapidly provoke a quench (magnets, current leads, bus-bars) will be considered. A filtering logic on the sensor used for CRYO_MAINTAIN will be necessary in order to avoid unnecessary downtime due to failing sensors or electrical noise. In principle it will be based on the verification of 2 out of 3 sensors in the cell requesting the discharge or in the case of only 2 sensors both must be out; the conditions must be valid for at least 30 sec. Instrumentation clearly not functioning (open or short circuit) will be flagged out.
Cryogenics conditions for powering There would be three logic states: Conditions to authorize magnet powering (CRYO_START=TRUE and CRYO_MAINTAIN=TRUE) Conditions that do not authorize magnet powering but if there is already current in the magnets there is no request for discharge (the conditions of magnet powering were met at the time of the start of powering but have disappeared meanwhile) (CRYO_START=FALSE and CRYO_MAINTAIN=TRUE) Conditions that do not authorise magnet powering and request a slow current discharge (CRYO_START=FALSE and CRYO_MAINTAIN=FALSE) Each powering subsector has one CRYO_START and one CRYO_MAINTAIN
CRYO_START (authorization for powering if TRUE) Superconducting magnets OK Magnets below threshold (1.95 K) and pressure above threshold (1 bar) Stand alone above threshold (level above threshold) Beam screen temperature below 25 K Line D (T lowest point above 5 K) and Quench Tanks empty (pressure) DFB’s OK Liquid helium level between thresholds in DFB (to cover LTS-HTS joint and below maximum level) Current leads temperature between threshold (48 K – 52 K) DSL OK: temperature below threshold (5.2 K) Sector refrigerators OK (Cryoplant Ok for powering) Compressors Cold compressors Turbines Phase separator above 50 % Ethernet communication OK Vacuum OK (Magnets and QRL): pressure below threshold (10-3 mbar)
CRYO_MAINTAIN (request for slow discharge if FALSE) Magnets below temperature threshold or above liquid helium level (2 K or minimum level for stand alone) Liquid helium level inside thresholds in DFB (above LTS-HTS joint or below maximum level) Current leads temperature below threshold (60 K) DSL temperature below threshold (5.6 K)
Quench and helium recovery
Quench propagation within two adjacent cell Expected performances and limitations: cell quench recovery < 3 kA 9 kA > x > 3 kA > 9 kA 7 6 5 Cooldown 4.5-1.9 K 4 Filling 70-100 % Recovery time [hours] 3 Filling 0-70 % 2 Cooldown 30-4.5 K 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Number of cells [-] Quench propagation within two adjacent cell More than 14 cells or full sector recovery up to 48 hours
Expected interfaces and interactions Machine setting-up and performance improvement Strong reciprocal relationship between the magnets powering and cryogenics Magnet powering requires accurate preparation of the cryogenic system and constant monitoring during ramping to avoid operational quenches Machine reliability and availability Monitoring, control, recovery actions coordinated with magnet powering for reciprocal optimization and increased availability Monitoring, control, recovery actions coordinated with technical infrastructures for start-up and recovery optimization Magnet powering and protection Quenches Ramping Losses Resistive Splices Temperature control Network controls Beam Particle Losses Image Currents Synchrotron radiation Cryogenics Beam Vacuum Cryo-pumping E-cloud losses Technical utilities (water, compressed air, electricity) Compressors, turbines, valves, instrumentation … Insulation Vacuum Cryostat
Available instrumentation Mid Sector TT PT TT PT TT PT TT TT Positive Slope PT LT LT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT Standard Cell Standard Cell Cryo Cell
Documentation / informations LHC Design Report – Chapter 11 - Cryogenics LHC-Q-ES-0004 (EDMS 710799): The circuit of the LHC cryogenic system LHC-Q-ES-0003 (EDMS 710797): Functional analysis of the LHC cryogenic system process