Using public procurement to foster research and innovation More Research and Innovation COM(2005) 488 of 12 October 2005 Commission communication to the.


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Presentation transcript:

Using public procurement to foster research and innovation More Research and Innovation COM(2005) 488 of 12 October 2005 Commission communication to the Council, the EP, EESC and the Committee of the Regions

22 Joint Action Plan on More Research and Innovation for Europe Using Public Procurement to foster Research and Innovation Current and forthcoming Commission initiatives

33 More research and innovation Investing for Growth and Employment a common approach 12 October 2005

44 Europes research gap National research investment targets: EU research at 2.6% of GDP in 2010 But actual progress not on track Targets and measures upgraded in National Reform Programmes? Total R&D expenditure in % of GDP 2003

5 Europes innovation gap EU25 - US innovation gap persists

6 Emerging R&I giants China, India, South-East Asia, Brazil China more research-intensive than EU in 2010? Major challenge given size of these countries R&D as % of GDP Annual Growth

77 EU response: approach Common approach for research and innovation policies Build on existing 3% action plan and EU innovation policy Mobilise broad range of policies and instruments Roadmap for implementing Knowledge for Growth pillar of Lisbon strategy

88 EU response: objectives Put research and innovation at the heart of: 1.EU policies 2.EU funding 3.Business 4.Improve research and innovation policies

99 Research and innovation at the heart of EU policies Better regulation – Identify barriers to R&I State aid – Redeployment towards R&I Intellectual property – Improved efficiency and use Researchers – Attractive single market Public procurement – Better use to stimulate R&I Tax incentives – Better and wider use for R&I

10 Research and innovation at the heart of EU funding Mobilise public and private resources for key technologies (FP7 and CIP) European Structural Funds Improving SME access to finance Mobilise national programmes and other sources of funding (philanthropy) Financial Perspectives

11 Research and innovation at the heart of business University-industry partnerships Clusters Pro-active business support services Innovation management Innovative services Monitoring System

12 Improve research and innovation policies A priority of the National Reform Programmes (Integrated Guideline n° 8) Improved policy analysis Support to policy learning

13 Research and innovation at the heart of EU policies: Using public procurement to foster Research and Innovation

14 Using public procurement to stimulate R+D and Innovation Background 16% of GDP Under-used possibilities for public buyers to procure technology and innovative-intensive goods and services Strong lead market potential for new technologies: transport, health, environment, education, ICT, etc. Lack of awareness/information of the possibilities given by the 2004 Public Procurement Directives.

15 Actions undertaken by the Commission Policy awareness, influencing key stakeholders Integrated guidelines for National Reform Programmes 12 October 2005 communication Expext group report on procurement for research and innovation. Outline of concrete measures. Study of good practices on public procurement for innovation. Network of experts addressing the role of public procurement standards for innovation.

16 Forthcoming actions Enhancing awareness of key stakeholders Follow-up of October communication in Council (MS) and the EP Handbook outlining and clarifying possibilities offered by Public Procurement Directives. Pilot Community contracting for Innovation (ICT).CIP proposal and supporting studies. Supporting European networks of national and regional authorities

17 RTD OMC-NET Call for Proposals 2 September 2005 with closing on 3 February 2006 Co-ordination actions (e.g. mutual learning, peer review, identification of good practices, transferability issues, etc). Maximum Community contribution per project up to Up to two years of duration. Minimum five public bodies from five different Member States

18 Member States and stakeholders should … Participate Integrate Exploit