Romantic Era Theater
Romantic Era Plays Romantic Plays, old and new, tended to appeal to emotions rather than intellect. Special effects therefore focused on the supernatural and the mysterious visual over verbal visual over verbal sensational rather than intellectual sensational rather than intellectual Aristocrats tended to go to the opera and ballet, and more middle-class now went to the theatre. Faust– Doctor makes a deal with the Devil in order to live a few more years.
Audience As seeing becomes more important than hearing (remember, the sound was so important before, and detailed, realistic sets were not the norm), the orchestra seats (which had up till then been the cheap seats) became more valuable. The upper galleries – the "gods" – were the cheapest. Audiences, especially those in the gods, were loud and vocal.
Scenery The stage was to present an illusion of reality, with many details, and was to be historically and geographically accurate. Scenery included drops, flats, ground rows (cutaway flats standing free on the stage floor). Carefully and realistically painted. Natural settings.
Lighting Candles or oil lamps and gaslight used to better illuminate and capture attention of audience Gaslight increased illumination, had better control of intensity, but still had wavering flames.
Special Effects Many special effects: Flying, trap doors Flying, trap doors water pump systems water pump systems moving panoramas to give the illusion of travel, moving panoramas to give the illusion of travel, treadmills by the late 1800 (allowed for horses and chariot races, etc.) treadmills by the late 1800 (allowed for horses and chariot races, etc.) volcanic eruptions volcanic eruptions fires fires
Significance While Romanticism was not at all realistic in its acting, drama, or direction, in set, costume, and lighting it attempted to be as realistic as possible. Romanticism inadvertently paved the way for easier acceptance of Realism.
Melodrama Primary form of theatre during the 19th century Still popular today. Focused on Romantic Romantic Exotic Exotic supernatural supernatural
Characteristics of Melodrama Comes from "music drama" – music was used to increase emotions or to signify characters Signature Music– Superman theme Signature Music– Superman theme A simplified moral universe; good v. evil in stock characters Episodic form: the villain poses a threat, the hero or heroine escapes.—always with happy ending. Almost never five acts Many special effects
Melodramatic Forms Equestrian dramas: horses, often on treadmills – forerunners of the modern Western. forerunners of the modern Western. True Grit True Grit Canine melodramas Lassie Lassie Benji Benji Nautical melodramas interest in the sea interest in the sea The Poseidon Adventure The Poseidon Adventure Disaster melodramas Armageddon Armageddon Dante’s Peak Dante’s Peak
Edgar Allan Poe ( )
Early Life Poe was born in Boston on January 19, 1809, his parents’ second child. His father deserted the family a year later. In December 1811, his mother died at twenty-four, and her husband disappeared completely. Poe was taken in by John Allan, a successful and stable Richmond merchant.
College and West Point Poe spent most of 1826 at the University of West Virginia, doing well in his studies, but running up gambling debts and drinking. He was admitted at West Point in 1830, but got himself expelled by missing classes and roll calls. By 1831, Poe had already published three versions of his early poetry.
Poe and the Gothic Poe did not want to write gothic stories; he started his career spoofing the Gothic. He said that he wrote, “Tales of terror, not of Germany, but of the soul.” He transformed tales of terror into psychological stories; he delved into the mysterious recesses of the human mind.
Elements of Gothic in Poe’s Fiction Grim setting Landscapes are often reflections of character’s mind. Landscapes are often reflections of character’s mind. Unusual buildings, extremes of nature, eccentric works of art Unusual buildings, extremes of nature, eccentric works of art Very few of his stories take place in America; most take place in Europe or Never-never-land. Very few of his stories take place in America; most take place in Europe or Never-never-land.
Other elements of the Gothic Hidden evil Unspeakable, mysterious crimes, including incest and parracide Unspeakable, mysterious crimes, including incest and parracide Obsession with Death Ghosts, blood, body parts Ghosts, blood, body parts Maniacal Laughter The discovered manuscript gives responsibility to someone else gives responsibility to someone elseDeformity the groteque--people who don’t look right are capable of activity beyond the norm the groteque--people who don’t look right are capable of activity beyond the norm
An element of Poe’s style Poe uses vocabulary to create setting, for rhetorical effect, rather than for information. Modern horror films use music to create atmosphere; Poe used vocabulary.
Poe described the conflict between two sides of the intellect. Poe