Global distribution of heat text
Spectra of incoming vs. outgoing radiation text
Heat loss and gain from the oceans text
The Modern Ocean Conveyor Belt
North Atlantic circulation
North Atlantic
Atlantic deep-water circulation
Global deep-ocean circulation
Phanerozoic glaciation
Gondwana moves over the South Pole
Vail – 1 st & 2 nd order SL cycles
Sea level & spreading rates
Relation of Sea-Floor Age to Depth and Spreading Rate Pacific Atlantic SW Indian MOR Age of crust (My)
Cretaceous – fast spreading 6-8 cm/yr
Modern spreading – 3-4 cm/yr
Ocean basins and continental collision
Fragmented continents – high SL
Assembled continents riding high
Global ice volume
Vail – 1 st & 2 nd order SL cycles Cretaceous high
Cretaceous 100 Ma Land & ocean
Latitudinal heat distribution – Cretaceous
Modern deep-water circulation
Cretaceous deep-water circulation
Cretaceous sources of dense water
Mid-Cretaceous Europe
Cretaceous warm deep water circulation
Breaking up Pangaea
Opening the Atlantic – Pangaea / Permian
Opening the Atlantic – Permian
Opening the Atlantic – Triassic
Opening the Atlantic – Early Jurassic
Opening the Atlantic Middle Jurassic
Opening the Atlantic – Middle Jurassic
Opening the Atlantic – Late Jurassic
Opening the Atlantic – Early Cretaceous
Opening the Atlantic Middle Cretaceous
Opening the Atlantic – Middle Cretaceous
Opening the Atlantic – Late Cretaceous
Isotope record since the Late Cretaceous
Ice volume and isotopes
d18O of ice at poles
Isotope record since the Late Cretaceous
Ocean gateways – submarine plateaus
Isolating Antarctica
North Atlantic Iceland-Faeroe Ridge
North Atlantic features
Caribbean Sea Gulf of Mexico Panama Antilles Islands (volcanic) Puerto Rican Trench Amazon Cone Caribbean Sea Cayman Trough
South Atlantic South America Africa Antarctica Walvis Ridge Rio Grande Rise & Vema Channel Drake Passage
Walvis Ridge
Patagonia & Drake Passage Antarctic Peninsula (1) Falkland Plateau & IslandsFalkland Plateau & Islands (2) South Sandwich TrenchSouth Sandwich Trench & Islands
Southern Ocean Australia South America South Africa
Southern Indian Ocean Australia Africa Kerguelen Plateau Antarctica Tasman Plateau
Northern Indian Ocean 90 East Ridge Chagos- Laccadive Plateau
Australia & New Zealand
Cenozoic – Paleocene
Cenozoic – Eocene
Late Cenozoic Sea level
Cenozoic – Oligocene
Cenozoic – Miocene
Modern continental ice
High topography Western North America
Orographic effect
India collides
Tibetan Plateau
Looking into the Himalayas
Himalayas and monsoons
Sediment flux to ocean basins – 40 Ma
Strontium isotopes 400 Ma
Closure of Panama – Pliocene
Table SL fall 80 Ma