1 Exportinitiative Århus, Denmark May 6 th 2010
2 Dipl.-Ing. Eberhard Paul, CEO Paul Wärmerückgewinnung GmbH “Balanced mechanical ventilation in homes with heat recovery”
4 Our new factory in passive house construction
5 Our factory
6 Start: 8 employees 2010: 50 employees
7 management R & Dmarketingproduction finance, controlling distribution
8 development and production sale of heat exchangers, control cabinet air conditioners heat recovery units
9 planning and delivery ventialation systems calibrate equipment and trainings
10 1994
11 mechanical ventilation in homes with heat recovery
12 Primery energy consumption with varios regenerative techniques The alternative 4 has the loweat primery energy consumption of all alternatives, i. e. heat recovery secures the highest energy saving the highest minimization of CO 2 the highest effect of reducing fossil fuels
13 climos 100 DC (S) climos 150 DC (S) multi 100 DC multi 150 DC thermos 200 DC thermos 300 DC campus 500 DC santos (F) 370 DC maxi 801 to 4001 DC focus 200 (F) novus 300 (F) novus 450 (F) Central MHVR units santos (F) 570 DCsantos cool 570
14 unit for installation in ceiling viods with distribution pipes to each room
15 compact unit „compakt 360 DC“ ventilation heating domestic hot water
16 compakt 360 DC – heat recovery ventilation unit with integrated heat pump
17 defroster pre-heater with autarkic controller iso defroster pre-heater air filter box type Eair filter box type E twin brine defoster ventilation components iso air filter box
18 Local ventilation with heat recovery
19 Positioning of the ventilation unit „ventos“ beside of heater element
20 Solution for partial ventilation with „ventos 50 DC“
21 „ventos“-unit installed
22 Solution for partial ventilation with short ducting
23 Stand –alone ventialation MVHR unit „luxor 30 DC“ exterior viewinterior view
24 MVHR unit with counter flow channel heat exchanger = 10 – 25 95 %
25 The comparison three heat exchangers for the same purpose counter flow channel heat exchanger cross counter flow plate heat exchanger cross flow plate heat exchanger = 100 – 300 m³/h air supply other manufacturer air supply = m³/h= 85 – 295 m³/h
26 cross counter flow plate heat exchanger MVHR unit with cross counter flow plate heat exchanger
27 counter flow channel heat exchanger atmos 175 DC (left) and thermos sectional model (right) with counter flow channel heat exchanger
29 patent: PAUL cut AA The secret of our heat exchanger
30 8 patents
31 types of heat exchanger and efficiency of devices
32 efficiency classification Overview of passive house certificated MVHR units > 130 m³/h – without small units (stage: ) (autorithy:
33 dry compartment air healthful compartment air humidity: = 30…60 % dry eyes dry nasal mucosa dry mouth by ventilation systems compartment air often too dry atmospheric air < 0 °C room = 20…25 % r.h.
34 Humidity recovery With heat also humidity will be recovered – this increase the comfort and eliminate dry compartment air in winter. ~60 % humidity recovery results: compartment air humidity increase 20 % r.h. 32 % r.h. no anti-freeze protection until atmospheric air = -10 °C
35 EU-advanced project “Solanova” in Dunaújváros Hungaria before renovationafter renovation
36 EU-advanced project “Solanova” in Dunaújváros Hungaria ceil-mounted unit „climos 100 DC“ – already installed
37 PAUL – excellent products... 1) Innovation Award Germany 2) Innovation Award Saxony 3) Environment award 4) Environment Oscar 5) Product of the year (plumbing and heating industry) 6) Silver Environment Credits 7) INTEC Award 8) first MHVR unit with Passive House Certificate for „thermos“ 9) patent for radon measurement in ventilation unit 10) patent application Solar heat exchanger
38 approx. 50 fairs per year by Paul company and the agencies
39 ~ 200 publications 15 TV broadcasts and 5 radio reports about PAUL products approx. 30 lectures per year
40 45 agencies in 23 countries Agencies Germany Austria Belgium Channel Islands Croatia Czech Republic Estonia Finland France Hungaria Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Norway Poland Romania Russia Slovakia Slovenia Ukraine United Kingdom
41 In we are looking for agencies architects building enterprises installers wholesalers
42 Thank you for your attention. Paul Wärmerückgewinnung GmbH August-Horch-Straße Reinsdorf Tel.: +49 (0) Fax: +49 (0) Internet: