The Renaissance l The Renaissance was a change in the social, economic, political, and cultural life of Europe. l Renaissance artists and writers turned from the religious life to humanist life. l The return of the writings of Greek and Roman writers came from the Muslim world.
The Renaissance Begins in Italy l Italy was the center of ancient Roman culture. l Roman statues, coins, buildings all reminded Italians of Roman greatness. l Italian cities had survived the Middle Ages and become rich. l Florence, Genoa, Milan, and Venice became rich trading cities. Rome and Naples also contributed to the richness of Italy. l A wealthy class of merchants also contributed to the Renaissance by stressing individual achievement and education. l Italy sticks out into the Mediterranean Sea.
Florence and the Medicis l The Medici family of Florence formed a banking business and became rich and powerful. l The Medici ruled Florence and Lorenzo the Magnificent became a great patron of the arts. l Humanism was at the heart of Renaissance thinking. l Humanists studied grammar, poetry, and history, based on Greek and Roman learning. l Francisco Petrarch translated Greek and Roman writings. He wrote “ Sonnets to Laura” love poems written in the vernacular.
The Golden Age of the Arts l Renaissance artists used religious themes and often used Greek and Roman backgrounds. l Renaissance artists learned the rules of perspective. They made objects smaller in the distance. l Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael and Donatello were all great artists of the Age. l Leonardo painted the Mona Lisa, Raphael painted the Madonna and the School of Athens, and Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel. l Women painters often had to work in secret.
Architecture and Writings l Filippo Brunelleschi created a great dome in Florence. Michelangelo designed and built the dome at St. Peter’s in Rome. l Baldassare Castiglione wrote, “The Book of the Courtier”, about the perfect or ideal Renaissance man and woman. l Niccolo Machiavelli wrote, “The Prince” about how a ruler should govern. l Machiavelli advised rulers that it is better to be feared than loved, the end justifies the means. l Machiavelli was a realist, but he advised rulers to be honest and wise, as well as crafty.
Medieval foundations of renaissance art
Leonardo da Vinci
Michelangelo Buonarroti
Fillipo Brunelleschi
Renaissance Quiz l 1. Where did the Renaissance begin and give one reason why? l 2. What was the difference between Renaissance artists and thinkers and Medieval artists? l 3. Name 4 Renaissance artists - l 4. Name 4 of their works of art or creations of these artists. l 5. What is a patron - l 6. List 3 of the humanities - l 7. Define perspective -
Renaissance Quiz l 8. What was the name of the book written by Machiavelli outlining how a ruler should lead. l 9. Where did many of the ideas and scientific advancements come from that led to the Renaissance? l 10. What Italian family was considered great patrons of the Renaissance? l E.C. Name a modern patron of the arts and science?
Points to Remember l 1. The Renaissance or the rebirth of learning was a change from the divine to the secular. People became the center of much art and writing as opposed to God and the afterlife. l 2. The Renaissance began in Italy because of ancient Roman traditions, rich patrons, a rich trading economy, central in the Mediterranean Sea. l 3. The Rebirth of ancient Greek and Roman teachings with humanism by Petrarch. l 4. Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael and Donatello were great artists of the time. l 6. Architecture and writing with Brunelleschi’s Dome and Machiavelli’s “ The Prince”