Bellringer Take out your answers to the Machiavelli worksheet from yesterday and prepare to discuss it! Download today’s notes: Renaissance Society Answer the following: Explain Machiavelli’s views on political leadership.
Renaissance Society Middle Ages – 3 social classes Clergy Nobility Peasants and townspeople In the Renaissance, the social order continued, but some changes became evident. Nobility (and rulers) Townspeople Peasants
The Nobility Nobles (also called aristocrats) dominated society even though they made up a tiny portion of the population. Expected to fulfill certain ideals – The Book of the Courtier by Baldassare Castiglione Nobles were born, not made. Must have character, grace, talent Must be a warrior, but also have a classical education and interest in the arts Had to follow certain standards of conduct
The Book of the Courtier by Baldassare Castiglione “The goal of the perfect courtier…is so to win…the favor and mind of the prince whom he serves that he may be able to tell him…the truth about everything he needs to know…and that when he sees the mind of his prince inclined to wrong action, he may dare to oppose him…so as to dissuade him of every evil intent and bring him to the path of virtue.” Goal: to serve the prince in an effective and honest way
Castilogne’s Discussion of Virtue
Townspeople – The Urban Population Upper urban class (merchants, industrialists, bankers) – dominated their communities Burghers – middle class people, shopkeepers, artisans, master craftsmen Define burgher: Workers – low middle class, low wages Unemployed at the bottom Workers and unemployed lived miserable lives, and made up a large part of the urban population
Peasants Made up the largest part of Renaissance society More and more became legally free, but many were still serfs (basically slaves)
Visual Chart Notes
Family & Marriage Family bonds were important Arranged marriages to strengthen business and family ties Included a dowry (Define dowry: ) Father-husband the center of family life Managed all money without wife, decided children’s futures Absolute authority of wife and children living with him Women never became legal adults as long as their fathers lived Mother’s role was to supervise the household and raise children
Wrap it up! Renaissance society was characterized by a small number of nobles holding most of the power, a growing urban middle class, and a large number of peasants and workers struggling to survive.
Review! 1. What was the largest group or class of Renaissance society? 2. What was the smallest group of Renaissance society that also held all the power? 3. What was the goal of marriage during the Renaissance?
Homework! Ch. 2 Lesson 1 Quiz on Monday! Make sure you’ve read the lesson! Go over the Lesson review, crossword, and self-check quiz! Note! THE QUIZ HAS A WRONG ANSWER! THE MEDICI’S RULED FLORENCE!