19 November 2004 PdS/1/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation Towards a European Security Research Programme (ESRP) Pieter De Smet
19 November 2004 PdS/2/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation Towards a European Security Research Programme (ESRP) Introduction European Initiatives –I. Group of Personalities (GoP) –II. Communication « Security Research- the Next Steps » –III. Preparatory Action for Security Research (PASR) Next Steps
19 November 2004 PdS/3/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation Why Security Research at EU level ? A Secure Europe in a Better World (Dec. 2003): new threats, more diverse and less predictable Develop a European security culture supported by a credible EU industry Develop synergies between civil & military research and between public & private sectors Ensure coherence & coordination to reduce fragmentation and eliminate duplication Ensure interoperability and networking Stimulate investment in Technology to enable security and contribute to the 3% of GDP objective for research
19 November 2004 PdS/4/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation European Initiatives I. Group of Personalities: Research for a secure Europe II. EC Communication « Security Research - the Next Steps » III. Preparatory Action for Security Research ( )
19 November 2004 PdS/5/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation I. The Group of Personalities (GoP) A Commission initiative with 27 Personalities from politics, European Parliament, governments, Industry, Research & Academia To propose principles and priorities of a future European Security Research Programme (ESRP)… In line with EU foreign, security and defence policy objectives and the ambition to construct an area of freedom, security and justice.
19 November 2004 PdS/6/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation GoP Report main recommendations Coordinate national, intergovernmental and community research efforts Bridge the gap between civil & defence security research. Establish a Security Research Advisory Board Launch a European Security Research Programme (ESRP) …while respecting individual rights, democratic values, ethics and liberties.
19 November 2004 PdS/7/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation II. EC Communication « Security Research-The Next Steps » Communication adopted 03 September 2004 The EC subscribes to the main thrust of the GoP report The EC is to take actions in 4 domains: –i. Consultation and cooperation with stakeholders –ii. ESRP –iii. An effective institutional setting –iv. An appropriate governance structure
19 November 2004 PdS/8/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation i. Consultation & Cooperation Establish a European Security Research Advisory Group (ESRAB) –To advise on the content and implementation of the ESRP –To establish user needs and encourage cooperation between Member States (IPR, information classification and protection) –ESRAB should include experts from stakeholders: users, industry and research organisations Coordinate ESRP with other research at Community, intergovernmental, national level or with international organisations
19 November 2004 PdS/9/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation ii. A European Security Research Programme (ESRP) from 2007 Issue a draft ESRP in spring 2005 (content, financial plan and institutional framework) to become a specific programme within FP7 Give ESRP an appropriate level of funding (additional to existing funding), thus contributing to the 3% GDP goal and the Lisbon objectives Initiate an inter-institutional debate for a consensus on the ESRP
19 November 2004 PdS/10/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation iii. An effective institutional setting Ensure CSFP, ESDP and other EC policies are accounted for in the ESRP Develop cooperation and Synergies with the European Defence Agency (EDA) –Commission to be part of the Steering Board of EDA –Administrative arrangement to organise working relations with EDA –Possible EC contribution to specific EDA projects
19 November 2004 PdS/11/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation iv. An appropriate governance structure Establish mechanisms for effective management of the ESRP, in consultation with Member States and other stakeholders, and using EC experience in managing RTD Programmes Put in place flexible contracts, participation and funding mechanisms, using stakeholder experience & specific experience to be gained from the Preparatory Action
19 November 2004 PdS/12/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation III. Preparatory Action for Security Research (PASR) An initiative of the European Commission Outside the 6th framework programme, but with procedures adapted from FP6 Planned duration of 3 years ( ) A total planned budget of 65 Mio, of which 15 Mio for 2004 Funding up to 75% 2 types of activities: projects & supporting activities
19 November 2004 PdS/13/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation PASR: Project Priorities Improving situation awareness Optimising security and protection of networked systems Protecting against terrorism (including bio- terrorism and incidents with biological, chemical and other substances) Enhancing crisis management Achieving interoperability and integrated systems for information and communication
19 November 2004 PdS/14/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation PASR: Project characteristics 1 to 2 year duration Mission-oriented or Related to Interoperability or Citizen-oriented Tangible results Multidisciplinary Involving final users In one priority or across several priorities
19 November 2004 PdS/15/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation PASR: Supporting Activity characteristics 0.5 to 3 year duration Standardisation activities Dissemination, networking and coordinating activities Activities relevant to the need to improve the security of the European citizen and society RTD roadmaps
19 November 2004 PdS/16/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation PASR 2004-First Call for Proposals Call: open 31 March, closed 23 June Received: 179 proposals, of which 173 are eligible –50 supporting activities –123 projects Evaluation: 5 to 10 July, with assistance of 57 evaluators, mainly from Member States Result: number of projects & supporting activities retained for negotiation
19 November 2004 PdS/17/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation PASR-2004 Evaluation Outcome 7 projects covering the 5 priorities: TERASEC: detection of hidden weapons and explosives IMPACT: integrated European CBRN technological capabilities CRIMSON: crisis management system SUPHICE: on-demand secure communications provision ASTRO+: integration of earth and space observation to support security operations ISCAPS: surveillance of crowed areas exposed to terrorist attacks VITA: protection of critical infrastructures – methods and scenario demonstration on energy
19 November 2004 PdS/18/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation PASR-2004 Evaluation Outcome: 5 supporting activities: CREW + GEODATA: Study of a crisis management early warning system using geospatioal data and development of a GeoToolBox ESSRT: general roadmap for security research TIARA: improvement of European crisis management in the nuclear area SENTRE: strategic research plan for security technology research
19 November 2004 PdS/19/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation PASR-2004
19 November 2004 PdS/20/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation PASR-2004
19 November 2004 PdS/21/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation PASR 2004 time table July 2004: Proposal Evaluation & Discussion with EC services to ensure complementarity August 2004: Evaluation Summary Reports to proposers Sept-Oct 2004: Inform Member States & Start contract negotiations Nov-Dec 2004: Contracts signature
19 November 2004 PdS/22/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation Lessons learnt from PASR-2004 call High Interest shown from the research constituency Good coverage of priorities Capability-based research and mission oriented projects convincing Some questions need further reflection Work programme 2005 to be defined on experience of 2004 experience
19 November 2004 PdS/23/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation General context for PASR 2005 PASR-2005 should take into consideration the PASR oversubscription First discussions on FP7 Financial perspectives European Defence Agency Clear position of the Commision on the GoP report Request of a 2005 budget of 24M New Commission
19 November 2004 PdS/24/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation Next Steps Pursue Preparatory Action implementation ( ) Establish a European Security Research Advisory Board (ESRAB) Initiate a EU -wide consultation of security research stakeholders Prepare the future ESRP ( ) Develop cooperation and synergies with EDA
19 November 2004 PdS/25/25 6cp Workshop: Linking Defence and Security R&D with Innovation More information?