„EQF meets ECVET“ Modularisation and Recognition of basic VET via ECVET & EQF 1
Chance B – Gemeinsam für die Region! What are EQF, NQF & ECVET? EQF: Europan Qualifications Framework; 8 levels defined by descriptores of knowledge, skills and competences; transparency instrument to match qualifications all over Europe – formal, non-formal and informal learning; NQF: National Qualifications Framework, to be set up by all member states for comparison of qualifications in EU ECVET: European Credit Transfer System for VET; eases recognition of learning outcomes units (e.g. for mobilities) 2
Chance B – Gemeinsam für die Region! Who are we? Chance B – Holding GmbH is a service provider for persons with disabilities, located in Eastern Styria (rural region, ca inhabitants); Aim: Contribute, that elderly persons, sick persons and persons with disability can live their life in the districts of Eastern Styria, enjoying quality of life; Different community based services, from early childhood intervention up to mobile homecare for the elderly, also supporting employment activities, e.g. via offering basic VET; 3
Chance B – Gemeinsam für die Region! Why are we doing projects on EQF / NQF & ECVET? Disadvantaged learners often can‘t graduate from formal VET like apprenticeships (AT: NQF level 4) Though getting a lot of also occupational competences in special basic VET they don‘t get a recogniced certificate as these VET programmes are non-formal Employers don‘t know about these learners‘ competences and sometimes don‘t trust in non-official proofs / certificates More transparency + official recognition are needed! 4
Chance B – Gemeinsam für die Region! EQF meets ECVET : TOI Project, Transferbase: TOI Project NQF Inclusive ( ): Development of a model for accreditation and certification of non-formal trainings on lower level than that one of existing formal VET (Austria: apprenticeship, NQF level 4) via NQF / EQF LOs for 3 VET programmes at EQF levels 1 & 2 higher transparency (kind of standards, LOs), objectivity (accreditation from external body) learners’ competences = visible & valuable 5
Chance B – Gemeinsam für die Region! Impact: Higher attractiveness of these VET programmes higher motivation of learners, also for LLL Increased chances at labour market one step towards Inclusion Self esteem! 6
Chance B – Gemeinsam für die Region! …great, but: Especially persons with learning disabilities often show some “partial strengths of performance“, But these special strengths “get lost”, as the certificate shows only that one NQF level proofed in an assessment; ? How to make these strenghts visible? Idea of Modularisation = EQF meets ECVET was born! 7
Chance B – Gemeinsam für die Region! Results: Learning Outcomes Units for 4 exemplary basic non- formal VET programmes at EQF / NQF levels 1 & 2 2 Models for: Modularisation / Structuring basic VET at EQF / NQF levels 1 & 2 and Assignment & Recognition of learning outcomes units to / via NQF Certificate & Supplement, showing the different performance levels of each unit, = showing the learners’ strengths of performance 8
Chance B – Gemeinsam für die Region! e.g. Bakery Assistant NQF levels 1 & 2: 8 Modules, consisting of 20 Learning Outcomes Units (= tasks along the work process); e.g.: M3: Baking basic confectionery according recipes: U5: Preparing the workplace U6: Processing raw materials U7: Working according to a recipe U8: Applying different processing techniques U9: Producing dietary confectionary 9
Chance B – Gemeinsam für die Region! NQF level 2: Unit 5 - Preparing the Workplace Knowledge: I explain why the workplace has to be clean. I name the machines and equipment I use at work. I list some recipes for different occasions. Or for the different seasons. I know the aliments and ingredients I need for baking the chosen recipes. And I know where to find them. I name the equipment and machines I need for preparing the chosen recipes. I explain how to prepare this equipment and these machines. 10
Chance B – Gemeinsam für die Region! NQF level 2: Unit 5 - Preparing the Workplace Skills: I take care for a clean working place. With a bit of support I read recipes. With a bit of support I choose a recipe for a special occasion. I prepare the needed aliments and ingredients. I prepare the needed equipment and machines. Afterwards, somebody should check whether I have done everything alright. 11
Chance B – Gemeinsam für die Region! NQF level 2: Unit 5 - Preparing the Workplace Competences: With a bit of support I take care for a hygienic working place. With a bit of support I prepare all the things needed for baking according to the chosen recipe. I endeavour not to miss anything. 12
Chance B – Gemeinsam für die Region! 13 Supplement: Description of Competences Modules Learning Outcomes Units (= Tasks) NQF 1NQF 2 4. Baking basic confection ary according to recipes U5: Preparing the workplace With much support, the person takes care for a hygienic work place. With much support, he or she prepares all the things needed for baking according to the chosen recipe. With a bit of support, the person takes care for a hygienic work place. With a bit of guidance he or she prepares all the things needed for baking according to the chosen recipe. U6: Processing of raw materials With much support, the person processes most common raw materials correctly and hygienically. He or she likes working carefully and properly. With a bit of support, the person processes most raw materials correctly and hygienically. Under some supervision he or she applies appropriate process techniques. With a bot of support, the person considers the food law regulations. With a bit of support he or she processes and stores foodstuff in a vitamin-preserving way. He or she likes working carefully and properly.
Chance B – Gemeinsam für die Region! 14 Description of Competences Modules Learning Outcomes Units (= Tasks) NQF 1NQF 2 4. Baking basic confection ary according to recipes U7: Working according to a recipe With much support, the person reads recipes and measures and weights quantities. With much support, he or she produces baking goods from basic recipes. He or she endeavours to work carefully and properly, also when there is much work to be done. The person reads recipes and measures, weighs and multiplies quantities with a bit of support. With some support, he or she produces several bakery products from recipes. He or she endeavours to work carefully and accurate, also when much work has to be done or when particular pastries have to be produced for several times. U8: Applying different processing techniques Under direct supervision, the person uses equipment and machines and takes care not to hurt somebody. Under direct supervision, he or she applies different kinds of processing techniques. He or she endeavours to work carefully and properly, even when much work has to be done. With a bit of support, the person uses the equipment and machines. He or she always takes extra care not to hurt somebody. Under some supervision, the person applies different kinds of processing techniques. Even when much work has to be done, he or she endeavours to work carefully and properly.
Chance B – Gemeinsam für die Region! Marion Bock +43/664/