Ms Goodenow – VP
What are you going to be doing? n Producing segments for the Morning Update –Commericals –PSA: no bully, Spartan Values –Introduction Segment n Producing one individual segment n Producing ANY video related segment
Classroom Expectations n RESPECT n What does that mean? –People: groups/classrooms/hallways/office –Computers: no gum/food/drink/bags Gum: 1 st – lunch detention 2 nd – after school –Equipment –Network: user agreement
Grading n Percentage of total points –Group projects (rubric) –Individual project
Drills n Tornado Drill: return to room if close or join another class n Fire Drill: exit building and meet me in administrative building parking lot if close or join another class
Responsible Thinking Process n RTP n RTC (Responsible Thinking Classroom) n Grounding….
What do you Know/Want to Know? n S:/8 th Grade Projects/KWL