Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center The Principles of Animal Hygiene and Preventive Veterinary Medicine “The faith in “cures” and the practice of dealing with disease problems only after they have arisen, which thousands of years of magic and dosing have firmly established…is antagonistic to disease prevention” …those more particularly concerned with the food-producing animals must think in terms of hygiene, for their success is in no small measure dependent upon their knowledge of the subject” Leunis Van Es 1932, University of Nebraska, Lincoln (slide from Dr. David Smith)
Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Biosecurity … in the “real world”? … can you say “A-RITS”
Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center
Understand What We’re Up Against How are cattle (the ultimate recyclers) raised? – approximately 100M in U.S. … – 50% from herds less than 30 … – 90% beef & 10% dairy … of the beef … – 2 years from birth to food supply – 40% in breeding herds – 30% grazing – 30% harvested each year – ALL in OPEN AIR ENVIROMENT !!! … wildlife deer, coyotes, raccoons, birds, rodents, insects, …
Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Biosecurity Basics for Livestock Operations Biosecurity is a practice designed to prevent the spread of disease by minimizing the movement of biologic organisms (viruses, bacteria, rodents, etc.) onto and within an operation. Biosecurity can be very difficult to maintain because of the very complex interrelationships between management, biologic organisms and biosecurity. Biocontainment maybe the only practical control for many diseases. While developing and maintaining biosecurity is difficult it is the cheapest, most effective means of disease control available and no disease prevention program will work without it.
Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Health - Disease Complex Interactions
Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Biosecurity Major Components: ASSESS Different Biosecurity Risks– RESISTANCE Improvement ISOLATE from risk TRAFFIC Control SANITATION – Think Clean RITS RITS are hurdles threats must cross to cause a concern
Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center 1 st … the big “ A ” … ASSESSMENT 1 st … the big “ A ” … ASSESSMENT Take a close look at what can go wrong … Assess the risk of each potential biosecurity problem …the relative significance & potential PRCEEvaluate potential to PRCE each risk identified! »Prevent, Reduce, Control, or Eliminate –Resistance in the herd … –Source into and within the herd … –Exposure within the herd … Don’t Gag On A Gnat & Swallow An Elephant!Don’t Gag On A Gnat & Swallow An Elephant!
Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center 2 nd …“RITS” Resistance, Isolation, Traffic Control, & Sanitation. ??? Evidence Based ??? –Maximize resistance General Specific –Isolate from outside & within –Control exposure & potential spread –Clean, Clean & Clean … think CLEAN!
Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Biosecurity – Specific Disease Control & Identification Risk Training Isolation Traffic Control Sanitation Action Trigger Rapid Response Comments EXAMPLES … BS-Man-07-SpecficDisCont&ID.doc EXAMPLES … BS-Man-07-SpecficDisCont&ID.doc
Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Biosecurity Diseases to Consider: Salmonella BSE FMD BVD-PI Leptospirosis Johne’s Leucosis Anaplasmosis Viral calf scours TB - Bangs Johne’s Leucosis Anaplasmosis Viral calf scours TB – Bangs Cryptosporidiosis Coccidiosis, Sarcocystis Neospora, Toxoplasma Trichomoniasis, Vibrio Common Inherent Diseases IBR, BVD, PI3, BRSV, Mh & Pm Mycoplasma, & Clostridia Rank significance to different production systems Threat type: EXTERNAL, INTERNAL, MANAGEMENT Staph mastitis??? Mastitis (others???) Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Noxious weed Specific Bioterrorism Issues:
Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Secret to Biosecurity Hazard Analysis, Critical Control Points Justify Verify Monitor Target Activities to Targeted Outcomes Prevent, Reduce Control, Eliminate
Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Validate the HACCP Plan Hazard Analysis, Critical Control Points (HACCP): "Validation is the scientific & technical basis for CCP determination & CL identified and which control hazards." Validation should include a third party review and should be done regularly (yearly?). Validation should reassess potential new hazards. Evaluate all production steps, suppliers, equipment use and maintenance, isolation procedures, traffic control and sanitation.
Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Risk Management - PECR Prevent, Eliminate, Control, Reduce –Resistance … General Specific –SOURCE, EXPOSURE … Additions … –Isolate, test, monitor, re-test … –Traffic Control … –Sanitation … Justify Verify Monitor –Is there evidence for control? –Is it getting done? –Is it working? (surveillance testing)
Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Sanitation … Disinfectants Sanitation should stress CLEAN CLEAN … not the use of disinfectants Selection and use of Disinfectants –Understand the target pathogen –Understand the organic load –Understand the disinfectant properties –Understand disinfectant have been documented to relate to antibiotic resistance
Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Disinfectant Classification Hypochlorites: Iodine and ionophore disinfectants: Chlorhexidine: Alcohols: Oxidizing Agents: Phenolic disinfectants: Quaternary Ammonium Compounds: Aldehydes:
Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Disinfectant Properties. CompoundChlorine % Iodophor 0.5-5% Chlorhexidine % Alcohol 70-95% Oxidizing 0.2-3% Phenol 0.2-3% Quaternary Ammonium % Aldehyde 1-2% ExamplesCloroxTincture / Provodine NovalsanVikronSLysolRoccal-DWavicide BactericidalGood Very GoodGood V Good ViricidalV GoodGoodVery GoodGood Fair V Good Envelope VirusesYes Non-Envelope Viruses Yes No YesNo Yes Bacterial SporesFair PoorFairF to GPoor Good FungicidalGood Fair to GoodFair GoodFairGood Effective in Organic Matter PoorFair PoorGoodFairGood Inactivated by soap NoNo &YesNo YesNo Effective in Hard water YesNoYes NoYes Contact Time (minutes) Residual activityPoor GoodFairPoor Fair All About Disinfectants
Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Disinfectant … Virus Targets VirusEnvelopeVirusEnvelopeVirusEnvelope BluetongueNo Malignant Catarrhal Fever YesPI3Yes RotavirusNoEnteric CoronavirusYesRabiesYes PapillomatosisNoResp. CoronavirusYesHerpes MammillitisYes LeukemiaYesBVDYes Cowpox Pseudocowpox Yes Papular Stomatitis YesBRSVYesFoot & MouthNo Vesicular Stomatitis YesIBR / IPVYes Lumpy Skin Disease Yes Go to End
Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Biosecurity Risk … Evaluate Accessibility Personnel training Reservoir(s) Isolation Traffic Flow Sanitation Pest Control
Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Biosecurity-Security … “what if” Emergency Action Plan Assessing the situation: Is it a disease concern? Is it a contaminate concern? Is it an intruder concern? NOTIFY THE PROPER PERSONNEL IMPLEMENT QUICK RESPONSE PLAN –SANITATION … SECURITY Go to End
Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center