Chief, Office of Defense Cooperation ODC Dhaka Major Luke R. Donohue Chief, Office of Defense Cooperation Bangladesh 13 Oct 2011
BANGLADESH Organizational Relationships - DOD-DHAKA POCs Overview TCP Country Objectives - MSRP Goals - CSES Supporting Objectives Country Security End State Security Assistance Concept To TCP 2012 Country Team Engagement Goals Ports / Airfields Of USN/ USMC Interest Current USN / USMC Exercises And Activities Current Issues / Proposed Solutions Host Nation Key Events 2
ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS PACOM J-2 J-4 J-5 DoD J-45 SDO/DATT EMB-Dhaka DSCA ODC-Dhaka (1 Officer + 4 LES) MISSION: Plan, coordinate, and execute PACOM’s Theater Security Cooperation Program for Bangladesh to include: managing procurement of U.S. defense articles and services, military education and training programs, and Humanitarian Assistance activities in concert with the MSRP in order to achieve U.S. national security and foreign policy objectives and promote effective security relationships with Bangladesh. AMB DCM USAID POL/ECON PAT COMPONENTS PACFLT USARPAC MARFORPAC PACAF SOCPAC
DOD-DHAKA POCs LTC Jacobsen SDO/DATT FOUO MAJ Donohue Chief - ODC Zakir Hossain Program Manager Monir Hossain Asst PM Andrew Biswas SA Manager (FMS) Talal Babar SA Manager (OPS) FOUO
OVERVIEW Bangladesh continues to provide the PACOM commander unique access to South Asia and the Muslim world. USG efforts to build partner capacity with the GoB has the GoB an emerging partner to the larger South Asian security strategy . The most effective effort underpinning this South Asian security strategy is the enduring mil to mil cooperation existing between DOD and AFD. The Mumbai attacks of 2008 forced the USG to reexamine South Asia security priorities to quickly reduce the threat of violent extremist organizations (VEO) and trans-national crime networks (TNCN). Increasing engagement requires various lines of effort to address not only CT, but also critical requirements such as HA/DR, UN PKO, and DR.
OVERVIEW Building capacity will have a strategic impact on the future officers and enlisted of the Bangladesh militaries. 7. The country security end state requires a Bangladesh partnered with the U.S. in achieving regional security and stability. Key Points Increasing U.S. security assistance funding remains a top priority for mission Dhaka. Synchronizing DOD and DOS efforts in a whole of government approach remains critical for our success. Organizing bi-lateral exercises which support our long-term plan focused on shaping the BG security forces to effectively counter-terrorism, conduct HA/DR, increase border security, and further contribute to UN PKO.
TCP COUNTRY OBJECTIVES Bangladesh builds capacity and will to conduct Maritime Security Operations in the Bay of Bengal that align with U.S. interests. Encourage Bangladesh to pursue active, reliable security relationships with the U.S. Bangladesh continues to ensure commerce flows freely throughout the Bay of Bengal Bangladesh provides the U.S. freedom of action to train and respond to crisis and contingencies Bangladesh promotes development and supports regional security forums that contribute to common security Bangladesh prevents and disrupts VEO and TNCN acquisition, proliferation, development and storage of WMD Bangladesh supports U.S. interests and increases national and regional capacity to counter VEO and TNCN Bangladesh develops HA/DR revitalization capability Bangladesh advances security sector reform and implements civil-military relations recommendations
MSRP GOALS Goal #1: More Pluralistic and Responsible Democratic Governance Goal #2: Broad-Based Economic Growth and Development Goal #3: Denial of Space to Extremism through Rule of Law and Provision of Basic Services Goal #4: Responsible Regional and International Partner
CSES SUPPORTING OBJECTIVES Derived From TCP and MSRP: U.S. and GoB Common Security Interests Improve Land and Maritime Security Capabilities to Prevent, Disrupt, and Counter VEO and TNCN Operations. Aligned with U.S. Interests Bangladesh Builds Capacity and Will to Conduct Land and Maritime Security Operations Ensuring Free Flow of Commerce and Countering VEO and TNCN threat. Partnered with the U.S. to Train and Respond to Crisis and Contingencies, Bangladesh Develops HA/DR and Revitalization Capacity Further Legitimizing the GoB and Mitigating VEO Influence in Disaster Prone Areas
COUNTRY SECURITY END STATE Bangladesh has a capable, self-reliant military conducting full spectrum operations in order to protect its own national security interests. Partnered with the United States, contributes to regional stability and security, while respecting human rights, the rule of law, and civilian supremacy over the military. Improves CT, border security, HA/DR and PKO. Enhances Cooperative Regional Security by increasing bi/multi-lateral engagement with the United States and SAARC partner nations. Further develops a professional military defined by institutionalizing the principles of respect for law, human rights, and civilian supremacy.
SECURITY ASSISTANCE CONCEPT TO TCP Vision: DOD Dhaka, in coordination with the country team, PACOM/SCC, and host nation, plans and executes a 5 - year Security Cooperation Plan for Bangladesh synchronizing security assistance with engagement activities towards building partner capacity in order to achieve U.S. national security and foreign policy objectives and promote effective security relationships with Bangladesh.
SECURITY ASSISTANCE CONCEPT TO TCP Priorities: Synchronize CT, Border Security, HA/DR, PKO and CMR/DR LOE to achieve CSES: Continue building Bangladesh CT capabilities, using security assistance efforts towards modernizing the force, promoting a larger MOD CT role, and service/ministry interoperability. Build maritime and land border security capacity using the CT and HA/DR LOE in coordination with the interagency. Integrate HA/DR capacity building LOE using SA investments and engagement activities to achieve CSES; Increase security cooperation to Bangladesh UN PKO resulting in FOC, increased procurement ISO ongoing operations, and transform BIPSOT to a pre-deployment national training center; Shape Civil-Military Relations and Defense Reform programs to support CSES. US Leadership at all levels focus on the following themes: 1) PACOM Partnership leads to a common strategic direction in national and regional security, 2) Support development/use of a MOD CT capability, a regional HA/DR capability, global PKO sustainment 3) Encourage Civil-Military Relations and Defense Reform. Challenges: Domestic perceptions; officers political baggage + PMO defense portfolio; SC over-saturation, SA under-saturation; Need to balance the procurement relationship (FMF v. FMS); CT ground truths (RAB); Aging equipment impacting PKO missions.
2012 COUNTRY TEAM/HN ENGAGEMENT GOALS CARAT 2012 - HA/DR COA Phase I – USARPAC led CPX Phase II – CARAT HA/DR (Post Cyclone Response – Sea Phase; HCA) Phase III – USN/BN CT interoperability (CTF 71/NSWU-1 - SWADS /BCG-RRF) Desires SHIP / AIRCRAFT VISITS – 1~2 FLAG ENGAGEMENT – PACFLEET; CTF 73; CTF 76 EXERCISES – Synchronized with SCC/CSES
PORTS / AIRFIELDS OF INTEREST FIVE SEAPORT Khulna – 89o 33’15.721” E 22o 49’31.673” Dhaka - 90o 24’43.701” E 23o 42’19.577” Chalna - 89o 35’24.612” E 22o 29’53.977” Chittagong - 91o 48’17.688” E 22o 18’31.104” Cox’s Bazar - 91o 58’23.966” E 21o 26’52.565” THREE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTS Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, Dhaka Shah Amanat International Airport, Chittagong Osmani International Airport, Sylhet FIVE DOMESTIC AIRPORTS Saidpur Airport Shah Makhdum Airport, Rajshahi Jessore Airport Barisal Airport Cox's Bazar Airport.
PORTS / AIRFIELDS OF INTEREST FIVE SEAPORT Khulna – 89o 33’15.721” E 22o 49’31.673” Dhaka - 90o 24’43.701” E 23o 42’19.577” Chalna - 89o 35’24.612” E 22o 29’53.977” Chittagong - 91o 48’17.688” E 22o 18’31.104” Cox’s Bazar - 91o 58’23.966” E 21o 26’52.565” THREE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTS Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, Dhaka Shah Amanat International Airport, Chittagong Osmani International Airport, Sylhet FIVE DOMESTIC AIRPORTS Saidpur Airport Shah Makhdum Airport, Rajshahi Jessore Airport Barisal Airport Cox's Bazar Airport.
RECURRING USN / USMC EXERCISES AND ACTIVITIES CARAT: USN to BN exercise focused on building interoperability between our two navies. Balance JCET: ODC coordinates US Special Operations teams training with BG Navy. PACFLEET maintenance SMEE: Focused on boat maintenance. MARFORPAC ENCAP(s): civic action projects focused on revitalizing schools.
CURRENT ISSUES / PROPOSED SOLUTIONS CARAT Coordination CARAT provides a exercise LNO versed in all CARAT requirements/activities to ODC 30 working days before beginning. LNO participates in IPC – FPC and execution as exercise continuity. All contributing units coordinate through single POC
HOST NATION KEY EVENTS Seasonal bad weather – July – September (Monsoon); March – September – Heavy Sea State BN and USEMB desire Mid-October exercise Other exercises – During proposed CARAT 12 – USARPAC HA/DR CPX Elections – Possible upswing in pre-election activities; important to highlight HA/DR theme Holidays – Durga Puja October 6; Eid‐ul‐Azha* Projected October 25 - 29