19 November 2004 PDS/1 6cp Workshop Programme of Work PASR-2005 Pieter De Smet
19 November 2004 PDS/2 6cp Workshop PASR Programme of Work for PASR is published on annual basis. For 2005: The Commission has requested a Budget of 24 M for new activities; Call for proposals will be published towards the end of Jan. 2005, with closure date in April 2005; Approx.85% foreseen for projects Approx.15% for supporting activities Priority areas remain broad, as was the case in 2004 call Call for tender for dissemination activities will be published in spring 2005;
19 November 2004 PDS/3 6cp Workshop PASR 2005 call characteristics: Projects will have 1 to 2 years duration; Mission–oriented ; Tangible results, providing basis for the future European Security Research Programme; Collaborative projects, multidisciplinary, mult- stakeholder; Involving final users; In one priority or across several priorities; Supporting activities will have 6 months to 3 years duration.
19 November 2004 PDS/4 6cp Workshop Participants established in EU-25; Proposals should not include classified information such as EU confidential, EU secret, EU top secret; Synergies should be ensured and unnecessary duplication should be avoided : –with ongoing Community initiatives is areas such as Justice and Interior Affairs, External Relations, Transport, Health, etc.; –with running projects under the PASR and under FP6.
19 November 2004 PDS/5 6cp Workshop Funding For projects, Community funding will not exceed 75% of eligible costs ( 75% of industrial research, 50% of pre-competitive development activities). Maximum of 7% funding for management activities, financed at 100%; For supporting activities, Community funding will not exceed 75% of eligible costs. Max.10% for management activities, financed at 100%.
19 November 2004 PDS/6 6cp Workshop Selection criteria Relevance to the Programme of Work; Reinforcement of the competitiveness for European industry and potential for exploitation; Scientific, technological excellence, contributions to tangible results; Building effective partnerships, including users, industry, research est.; Ability for efficient management, protect information if necessary, IPR management; Complementarity with ongoing work in PASR and FP
19 November 2004 PDS/7 6cp Workshop PASR 2005 projects priority areas: Remain broad: Optimizing Protection of networked systems; Protecting against terrorism; Enhancing crisis management; Achieving interoperability and integrated systems; Improving situation awareness.
19 November 2004 PDS/8 6cp Workshop PASR 2005 Supporing activities PASR 2005 will be more targeted towards: –Building RTD co-operation, networking and dissemination activities, in particular aiming at establishing recognized user communities; –Management of IPR and legal arrangements for exchange of classified information; –Human factors, perception of security; –Standardisation; –Potential use of existing security infrastructures.