Procurement and Innovation Making Procurement Work oKen Guy oWise Guys Ltd. oSix Countries Programme oProcurement and Innovation Workshop oManchester o16/11/2005
Aim of the Workshop oTo discuss the role of procurement in stimulating innovation oTo focus on the barriers to procurement fulfilling this potential oTo formulate suggestions aimed at overcoming barriers and making procurement work oTo produce a short summary of these suggestions and disseminate it widely amongst policymakers
Structure of the Workshop oFour brief presentations oTwo parallel breakout sessions oOne final plenary session
Presentations oThe policy context in which procurement can be used to stimulate innovation oRecent changes in public procurement directives at an EU level oExamples of best practice from across the EU oThe UK national approach to procurement and innovation
Parallel Sessions oIdentify the most important obstacles to the effective use of procurement as a tool to stimulate innovation oArticulate the most important steps that need to be taken at EU and national levels to overcome these barriers oDifferentiate between the types of steps needed in different national or institutional contexts
Final Plenary Session oReport back by Rapporteurs oCommentary by Round Table composed of speakers and chairs of sessions oGeneral discussion oConcluding remarks