Education Development Center ICE September 2006 Sue Gallagher ICE ICE Funding Strategies
2 Budget Woes! We all have them!
3 What do we need funding for? Support travel to increase participation of developing countries Seed money to hire part- time RA’s for project work (core + developing countries) Increase dissemination of products
4 What else do we need funding for? Develop a research agenda Facilitate a plan for dissemination of data and to implement the plan “How to…” product development for implementation by other countries, e.g. –Analyze existing data –Identify gaps in injury data and develop a plan to address gaps
5 and funding for…. Travel to support our technical assistance to other countries, including U.S. federal agency staff
6 What might attract funding? Methodology –Injury indicators –Multiple cause data –Severity –????? Cause-specific –Traffic-related –Poisoning and other substance use/abuse
7 Strategies Collaborating with another partner –US federal agency –International government, non-profit or academia –Other Working through a private foundation Facilitating new funding streams via marketing and advocacy
8 Who might be partners? Liberty Mutual Safety Research Center - China The George Institute – China/ Vietnam Fogarty International Center The Global Health Council
9 Who should we approach? Rockefeller Foundation –Bellagio Conference Center Conference/team programs, revised priorities and guidelines - fall 2006 Challenges for… Collaborative approaches to… Lessons from… Research dissemination meeting
10 Who should we approach? Gates Foundation prefers: +Collaborative endeavor with government +To serve as catalyst for long term, systemic change
11 Who should we approach? Gates Foundation –Critical enabling strategies category Improve the collection and use of data and evidence for global health decision-making Public health leadership – providing opportunities for developing country public health leaders to work with peers
12 Who can help? Foundation Center –Guide to funding for international and foreign programs –Grants for foreign and international programs (includes conferences and research on international issues) –International grantmaking: update on U.S. Foundation trends (60)
13 Who can administer the funds?
14 How do we define a project that encompasses ICE core + new? Goals Objectives Activities Budget
15 #1 Challenge: Finding a match International Not HIV/AIDS Not providing services Infrastructure building Research Maybe training
16 #2 Challenge: Getting injury viewed as health issue
17 Identify prime institution Develop letter of inquiry with project description Develop a total budget request