with contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Sebastiaan Luyssaert with contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Introduction Forest play an important role in the global C-cycle Since 1970 ongoing effort to estimate production and respiration Considerable uncertainties remain Assembled a comprehensive global database Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Objectives Explain some important feature of the database Identify data gaps Present relationships GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re Present CO2-budgets per biome Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems The database Consistent NPP data Consistent uncertainty Ancillary information Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems The database Consistent NPP data Consistent uncertainty Ancillary information Expert judgement accounting for : Applied methodology Number of observations Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems The database Consistent NPP data Consistent uncertainty Ancillary information Coordinates, elevation, climatic region, growth form, management, tree species Observed MAT, APS, LAI, age, height, BA, diameter, density, biomass Monthly temperature, precipitation, rainy days, cloud cover data CRU Modelled radiation components, air humidity, N-deposition, soil composition NDVI Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Data 2000+ flux observations 380 sites 130 GPP, Re & NEP 250 NPP 130 Rh & Rs 35 Ra Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Data gaps For GPP, NPP, NEP & Re need: - Boreal ecosystems - Tropical ecosystems Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Data gaps For Ra & Rh need: - All biomes except temperate humid Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Dependence of GPP High GPP: warm wet Low GPP: cold dry Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Dependence of GPP Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Dependence of GPP ? Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Dependence of GPP ? Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Dependence of GPP ? Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Global patterns in NPP Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Dependence of NPP Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Dependence of GPP, NPP, Re and Rh GPP ~ MAT, LAI, P NPP ~ MAT, LAI, Rg Re ~ MAT, LAI, P Rh ~ MAT, ? Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Dependence of NEP GPP ~ MAT, LAI, P NPP ~ MAT, LAI, P Re ~ MAT, LAI, P Rh ~ MAT, ? NEP, ? Unmanaged forests Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Dependence of NEP NEP ~ GPP Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Dependence of NEP NEP ~ GPP Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Dependence of NEP NEP ? Age Management sink source Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Dependence of NPP/GPP Ra, insuf. data NPP/GPP Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Dependence of NPP/GPP NPP/GPP data NPP/GPP max production Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Dependence of NPP/GPP NPP/GPP unmanaged sites Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Dependence of NPP/GPP Management > Temp Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Components of the CO2-balance NPP = fNPP + wNPP + rNPP + mNPP NEP = GPP - Re NECB = NEP – non-CO2 losses – non-resp. CO2 losses + CO2 import/export NBP = ∫∫ NECB Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Components of the CO2-balance Benchmark for model validation Closure problem Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Closure of the CO2-balance Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Components of the C-balance Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Global CO2-balance Uncertainty when models follow the observations Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Conclusions Database of field-observations available for model validation Missing 2 out of 8 climate regions Climate dependence of GPP, NPP, Re but not of NEP NPP/GPP ratio is not 0.475 Substantial closure terms indicate shortcomings of field-observations Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems We want more... Presentation Denis Lousteau: Management effects on the annual carbon balance of forests Poster Ilaria Inglima: NPP drives Rh in forest ecosystems Task force presentations Martin Jung: Comparison of models and observations Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups
Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra, Rh and Re in forest ecosystems Contributors I. Inglima, M. Jung, M. Reichstein, D. Papale, S. Piao, E.-D. Schulze, L. Wingate, G. Matteucci, M. Aubinet, C. Beer, C. Bernhofer, K.G. Black, D. Bonal, J.Chambers, P. Ciais, K.J. Davis, E.H. Delucia, A.J. Dolman, A. Don, B. Gielen, J. Grace, A. Granier, A. Grelle, T. Griffis, T. Grünwald, G. Guidolotti, P.J. Hanson, R. Harding, D. Hollinger, P. Kolari, B. Kruijt, W. Kutsch, F. Lagergren, T. Laurila, B. Law, G. Le Maire, A. Lindroth, F. Magnani, M. Marek, J. Mateus, M. Migliavacca, L. Misson, L. Montagnani, J. Moncrieff, E. Moors, J.W. Munger, E. Nikinmaa, D. Loustau, G. Pita, C. Rebmann, A.D. Richardson, O. Roupsard, N. Saigusa, M.J. Sanz, G. Seufert, L. Soerensen, J. Tang, R. Valentini, T. Vesala and I. Janssens Funding Belgian Research Foundation (FWO), CarboEurope-IP and Antwerp University Sebastiaan Luyssaert and contributions of 40+ research groups