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Matthew : Call to decision (Parables of revolution #8) What think ye of Christ is the test to try both your state and your scheme; you cannot be right in the rest unless you think rightly of him; As Jesus appears in your view, as he is beloved or not, so God is disposed to you, and mercy, or wrath are your lot.”
Matthew : Call to decision (Parables of revolution #8) Some take him a creature to be, a man, or an angel at most: sure these have not feelings like me, nor know themselves wretched, and lost; so guilty, so helpless, am I, I durst not confide in his blood; nor on his protection rely, unless I were sure he is God.
Matthew : Call to decision (Parables of revolution #8) "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16.16) C ount the cost, Luke parable of the tower builder, v parable of the king going to war, v31-33
Matthew : Call to decision (Parables of revolution #8) Some call him a Saviour in word, but mix their own works with their plan; and hope he his help will afford, when they have done all that they can; if sayings prove rather too light, (a little they own they may fail) they purpose to make up full weight, by casting his name in the scale.
Matthew : Call to decision (Parables of revolution #8) C ount the cost, Luke parable of the tower builder, v parable of the king going to war, v31-33 W hat’s it worth? Matthew parable of the hidden treasure, v44 - parable of the pearl, v45-46
Matthew : Call to decision (Parables of revolution #8) Some style him the pearl of great price, and say he's the fountain of joys, yet feed upon folly and vice, and cleave to the world and its toys; like Judas, the Saviour they kiss, and while they salute him, betray; ah! what will professions like this avail in his terrible day.
Matthew : Call to decision (Parables of revolution #8) Count the cost, Luke parable of the tower builder, v parable of the king going to war, v31-33 What’s it worth? Matthew parable of the hidden treasure, v44 - parable of the pearl, v45-46
Matthew : Call to decision (Parables of revolution #8) T he two ways, Matthew parable of the two roads / doors, v decide on the right way - parable of the good and bad trees, v decide to bear the right fruit - parable of the two houses, v decide who to listen to and obey
Matthew : Call to decision (Parables of revolution #8) If asked what of Jesus I think, although my best thoughts are but poor; I say he's my meat and my drink, my life, and my strength, and my store, my shepherd, my husband, my friend, my Saviour from sin, and from thrall, my hope from beginning to end, my portion, my Lord, and my all.
Matthew : Call to decision (Parables of revolution #8) “Though you have not seen him, you love him...” (1 Peter 1.8)