1 Full Disclosure UKOLN National Council University of Bath on Archives Bath, BA2 7AY UKOLN is funded by the Library and Information Commission and the Joint Information Systems Committee of the Higher Education Funding Councils, as well as by project funding from the JISC and the European Union. UKOLN also receives support from the University of Bath where it is based.
2 Hidden from view How many records and finding aids need conversion? Making the Most of Our Libraries around 50 million records Archives On-Line some 2 million pages of finding aids
3 The Hidden Treasure The national intellectual and cultural record Resides in many locations and formats Many collections are unique If uncatalogued - lower usage Effective discovery needs full disclosure Full disclosure requires conversion
4 The Landscape Opportunities in national learning and cultural heritage initiatives Some existing funding opportunities Gaps in funding bodies knowledge of national priorities for different sectors Existing effort is fragmented
5 Why a National Programme? Existing initiatives would benefit from coordinated overview National priorities to ensure most effective use of funding Applicants would benefit from better knowledge of funding opportunities Promotion of partnerships & collaborations Promotion of standards
6 Addressing the Challenge The challenge is considerable The task will remain if nothing is done Users will remain disadvantaged Many institutions need assistance Finance Project management Technical Current funding is not enough
7 The Way Forward A strategic approach is needed that: Coordinates existing and future effort Is based on prioritised needs Promotes the national benefits that will result from it Seeks financial support Is a national all-sector initiative for both libraries and archives
8 The Wish List The ideal is a top-down initiative that: Has government recognition Has its own funding Covers both archives and libraries Covers all sectors
9 But …. The ideal approach will take time We cannot afford to miss current funding opportunities The task is too urgent to delay We have to make a start now
10 Strand 1 - Projects Multi-institutional EngSTC, CERL Hand Press Individual Around 40 identified at present Size varies General/whole stock Specific topics
11 Strand 2 - Funding Major funders RSLP (NFF), HLF and NOF Other funders Institutions, appeals, foundations, EU Limitations - by sector or parameters (Some institutions are outside all current initiatives)
12 Twining the Strands Start NOW Start with bottom-up approach Coordinate existing effort Lever future resources This needs: a national programme a coordinating focus
13 A National Programme Session 2 Overall timescale Division into phases Targets within each phase Coordinating focus
14 Co-ordination and Funding Session 3 Coordination Focus –- Where? Who? How? Funding –- Existing –- Potential
15 Thought for Today Canal records are located in 15 different repositories At one library, users are faced with 8 catalogues in 5 different manual forms, in addition to the online catalogue To retrospectively convert one college library, fitting in with other tasks, will take sole, part-time librarian 20 years