USING MAPS IN 2 nd GRADE Michael Bodag ED 417 – 01 P.P. Lesson October 23, 2001
RATIONALE It is important for second grade students to know the basic fundamentals of a variety of maps and how to use them so that they will be able to read and interpret them when in need.
OBJECTIVES 2 nd grade students will be able to: 1.Read a simple map of a small community. 2.Determine directions to an object on a map. 3.Use a map to find a “treasure”. 4.Draw a map for another student to read. 5.Play a map game.
MATERIALS +Simple community map worksheet. +Manipulative to move on the maps. (optional) +Map of the school (or a portion of it). +Treasures (enough for each student). +Treasure map of classroom (a different one for each student). +Paper, Crayons, & Rulers to draw a map. +Map of America with state names. (Worksheets or one large) +Computer with PowerPoint, projector, and screen.
STUDENT ACTIVITIES 1.Keep from getting lost. 2.Find your way to the classroom. 3.Treasure Hunt! 4.Help, I don’t have a map. 5.Map of America Game.
Activity 1 KEEP FROM GETTING LOST! Students will use a map of a community and cardinal directions to get from place to place in that community. They may push their manipulative around on the map as they move. Teacher will give locations and ask directions.
Activity 2 FIND YOUR WAY TO THE CLASSROOM! Students will use a map of the school to lead a partner from the room to a specified place on the map. They will then switch so that the other person leads their partner to another specified place. The students being led must not be told where they are going, and the student leading must only use verbal directions such as straight, right, left, etc….
Activity 3 Students will use their individual maps to find a pre - hidden treasure in the classroom. Each student will have his own personal map to one of the treasures. Each student will end up with a treasure. (Sample ‘treasures’ could be things such as an eraser, pencil, marker, sticker, stamper, etc…. TREASURE HUNT!
Activity 4 HELP! I DON’T HAVE A MAP! Students will work in partners, drawing a map of somewhere only they know. (their house, a store, their street, etc…) Each student will draw a map of the unknown area, being sure to label each item. They will then trade maps. The first person will ask the other person questions about how to get to someplace on the map the first person drew. Then the other person will take their turn.
Activity 5 MAP OF AMERICA GAME! Students will play a game of the States.This can be done in small groups or individually. The teacher will give directions from one state to the next without saying that state’s name (such as “the state west of Ohio, or 2 states east of Washington). One individual from a group will respond with the name of the state. Each correct answer will result in a point for that group. Game ends when one group reaches a certain score.
KEEP FROM GETTING LOST! -Listen for directions to the places you will need to go on your map. -Push your piece on the map in the direction told. -When you reach the destination, raise your hand to answer where you are now.
FIND YOUR WAY TO THE CLASSROOM! -Break into partners. -Lead your partner to the spot on your map. -You can ONLY use directions such as straight, right, left, or backwards. -Have your partner do the same thing when you both get there. They have a different spot to go to. -When you are done return to the room. -QUIET IN THE HALLS!!! Or we will stop and go on to something else.
TREASURE HUNT! -Take the map you have been given and study it for a minute. -When your table has been called, you may begin searching for your treasure. -Each person has a treasure in a different spot, so only your map will work. -HAPPY TREASURE HUNTING!
HELP! I DON’T HAVE A MAP! -Break into partners. -Both people, draw a map of somewhere your partner has never been. (your house, a store, your neighborhood, etc…). -Label all the objects on your map. -Trade maps so you have your partner’s map. -Ask him or her to travel certain directions for them to find where you are. For example, “Go east until you come to a tree on the left.” They have to follow along on the map. -Now you switch and do the same.
MAP OF AMERICA GAME! -Break into groups of 4 and choose a name for your group. (MUST BE A MAP WORD) -Choose who will be #1, 2, 3, and 4 in your group. -Look at your game board. You should notice something familiar about it. -The teacher will call a certain number student to go up front and answer a question. If the person from your group answers right, your group earns a point. -First group to 20 wins a small prize!