Quick Snapshot Perfectworld established 2000 Drive digital media in Ireland Series of strategic investments Planning, team building, business partnerships and growth strategies
What is digital media? Content in ones and zeroes Content creation, production, management and distribution – digitally! Key growth area
Irish creativity Art and design Music Literature Film Established creative race of storytellers, musicians, artists, communicators.
Being Irish Internationally recognised Unique culture built on domestic creative influences Something we want to protect
Irelands creative future? Areas in which we can compete Tools and markets have changed Enterprise Ireland ITS2007 report Digital Media set to grow to £500m by 2005 (arguably) the only creative based activity that will grow……..???
A vision for 2007 Thousands of individuals gaining employment with excellent prospects in digital media industry Ireland recognised as the hub of digital media worldwide Our identity as IRISH futureproofed Are we capable?
Recent survey 269 questionnaires Hitouch database for Digital Media News Opportunities and barriers Help build cohesive approach Test the water Initial findings
Irelands greatest strength in developing business abroad? 27% international reputation 45% skilled workforce/high education
What key developments are required? Improve infrastructure 55% Impatience with bb rollout 14%: promotion and incentives 14%: more government grants
Whos to blame???? 55% public sector 18% private 22% both
What would be the primary advantage of the digital media hub? 23% centralised pool of skills 23% attract business and investment 14% focal point for industry 5% American bridge to Europe 18% dont know
Some conclusions Growing frustrations Confidence in skills and abilities Need for clarity from Digital Hub Programme lacks leadership
Some ideas Identify and nurture digital media companies Fuel the engine before we lose the race Provide tangible tax incentives based on employment, training and profits Extend digital media dream to the whole country not just Dublin
Example Government refunds 20% Up to $100,000 in marketing Providing fuel for realisation of commercial ideas
Ontario Interactive digital media tax credit Any corporation with turnover less than $20m and files a return Primary purpose is to educate, inform or entertain by presenting information in at least two of (I) text (ii) sound and (iii) images – ie: definition and identification Product or most of produced in Ontario Developed for commercial exploitation
Ontario Not used primarily for interpersonal communication Not to present or promote the qualifying company Administered by Ontario Media Development Corporation Film and television production credit
Ontario Sector contributed $1bn in 2000 up 8% Foreign productions up 22% Domestic production grew by 40% in five years
In summary Lets not splutter to a halt Identify the players and provide fuel Extend digital media dream to country Future proof