What did these things tell us about Jesus? - Name- Miracles - Christ- Healing - Immanuel - Son of David - Son of Abraham - Virgin-born - Went to Egypt/baptized/wilderness 40 days
3 Miracles 2 Comments 3 Miracles 2 Comments 3 Miracles 1 Final Comment
Miracle #1: The Leper A. What did Jesus say? B. Why does Jesus say it? C. Why is this story in the Bible? 1- 2-
Miracle #2: The Centurion A. What is a Centurion? B. Why does it matter?
Miracle #3: Peter’s Mother-in-Law A. Why is this story important? B. Why was Jesus healing people (verse 17)?
Comment #1: Count the Cost !!! (vss.18-20) Comment #2: Let Dead bury Dead (21-22)
Miracle #1: Jesus Calms the Storm A. Who is Jesus? B. Who do the Disciples think he is?
Miracle #2: Two Demon-Possessed Men A. What did they say? B. What did Jesus do/Who is he? C. How do people react?
Miracle #3: Paralyzed Man A. What did Jesus say/do? B. Who is Jesus? C. How do people react?
Comment #1: “I’m after the Losers!” Comment #2: “A New Age is here!” - Illustration 1- marriage - Illustration 2- sewing - Illustration 3- wine
Miracle #1: Dead Girl/Sick Woman A. What did Jesus do? B. Who is Jesus? C. How do the people react? - Before? - After?
Miracles #2-3: Blind and Mute A. What did Jesus do? B. Who is Jesus? C. How do people react? - The “crowds” - The Pharisees
1 Final Comment: Send workers!!!
Jesus prepares his followers before they go out on a mission trip by 1- Good News 2- Bad News 3- Instructing
1- You have the authority to cast out demons (1) 2- If someone rejects you, God rejects them (13-15) 3- When arrested, Don’t worry, God will help (19-20) 4- If you stand firm, you will be saved!!! (22) 5- In the end, the truth will be known, have courage (26-31) 6- If you stand up for me before others, I’ll stand up for you before God (32) 7- Anyone who accepts you accepts me (40-42)
1- Its going to be like sheep with wolves (15-16) 2- You will be arrested (17-18) 3- Families will betray each other (21-23) 4- I am treated bad, you are less than me (24-25) 5- If you don’t stand up for me before others, I won’t stand up for you before God (33) 6- I didn’t come to bring peace, but the sword(34) 7- My coming tears families apart (35-36) 8- You can’t love family more than me (37) 9- Following me will be carrying a cross around (38- 39)
1- Go to Israel, not to the Gentiles, tell them the Kingdom of God is near (5-7) 2- Don’t take any extra stuff, go in faith (9-10) 3- Stay in the first house you come to (11-12)
Jesus and John the Baptist A. John’s question B. Jesus’ weird answer
Jesus turns it into a Sermon A. Lose-Lose Situation (16-19) B. The One’s who know better (20-24) C. The One’s who need Jesus (25-30)
Jesus and the Sabbath Controversies A. Controversy #1 B. Jesus Responds C. Controversy #2 D. Jesus Responds E. The Pharisee’s Solution
A. Who is Jesus? B. Why can’t people know who he is?
Jesus and Satan A. Jesus’ healing B. Pharisees reaction C. Jesus’ answer
The Sign of Jonah A. The Pharisee’s Request B. Jesus’ Answer
Jesus’ Mother and Brothers A. What they wanted B. What Jesus said C. Why Jesus said it
Matthew 13 What is a Parable?
The Parable of the Sower A. What does it mean?
The Parable of the Weeds A. What it means
The Parable of the Mustard Seed and the Leaven A. What it means
The Parable of the Hidden Treasure A. What it means
The Parable of the Pearl of Great Value A. What it means
The Parable of the Net A. What it means
Treasures Old and New A. What is Jesus talking about?
Jesus Rejected at Nazareth A. Jesus is Rejected
The Death of John the Baptist A. How and Why he died
Jesus Feeds Five Thousand+ A. How does this show that Jesus is God?
Jesus walks on water A. What does this story teach us? B. What was the disciple’s response?