Qualities of a pure heart - 1
An Undivided Heart Purity of heart means it is unpolluted and undiluted. To achieve this means that we must be totally loyal to God. This needs to be understood BEFORE one obeys the Gospel! ( cf. Matt. 28:19-20 )
An Undivided Heart Matt. 22:37 – the first and great commandment, LOVE God with your all! Phil. 3:13-14 – “One thing” 1 Cor. 9:24-27 – the serious athlete – temperate.
An Undivided Heart The divided heart leads to heartache and misery Indifference, lukewarm, etc. James 1:8 – “double- minded” Luke 8:14 – “thorns”
An Undivided Heart The divided heart Matt. 6:24 – you cannot serve 2 masters James 4:4, 1 Jn. 2:15-17 – friendship with the world James 4:8 – “Purify your hearts you double-minded.”
An Undivided Heart Psalm 86:11, ”Unite my heart.” Psalm 119:2, 34, “whole– heart” Is your heart undivided?
The Heart and Priorities We all are busy and have many things to manage. BUT we need priorities. God must be our main priority! Priority, “the right to precede others in order, rank, privilege…” (Random House Dictionary)
The Heart and Priorities “Priority” not found in Bible, but the principle is there: Matt. 6:33 Seek first the kingdom of God Matt. 13:44-46 – hidden treasure, pearl of great price Matt. 10:34-37 – not peace, but a sword…relationships
The Heart and Priorities Luke 9:59-62 – excuses, not accepted! Luke 10:38-42 – Mary and Martha. Luke 14:33, “whoever does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.”
The Heart and Priorities It makes preparations – Ezra 7:10 It will tend to matters of the kingdom with haste and efficiency – cf. Matt. 4:18- 20, 9:9, etc.
The Heart and Priorities It involves balance – Cf. Col. 3:17 You may not be able to do everything! Cf. Gal. 6:10
A resolved heart Resolve – to make up your mind! Cf. Luke 16:4, Rom. 14:13 This usage gives us understanding of what it means. Words like determination, endurance, zeal, diligence, committed, purpose, etc.
A resolved heart The Bible and resolve 1 Pet. 2:21-23 – Jesus committed Himself… Matt. 16:24 – deny himself, take up his cross Acts 4:19-20 – “we cannot but speak…”
A resolved heart The Bible and resolve Phil. 3:12-14 – Paul pressed toward the goal Acts 21:12-13 – Paul willing to die for Him 2 Tim. 2:15 “Be diligent to present yourself approved”
A resolved heart The Bible and resolve Daniel 1:8 – Daniel and foods, he purposed in his heart Daniel 3:16-18 – Refusal to bow before the king Nehemiah 4:6 “the people had a mind to work”
A resolved heart The Bible and resolve Eccl. 9:10 – Whatever your hands find to do… Eph. 5:15-16 – Walk circumspectly, redeeming the time. Rom. 12:11, “not lagging in diligence,…”
A resolved heart The Bible and resolve Heb. 4:11 – “Let us be diligent to enter that rest” Heb. 12:1-2 - run the race with endurance.
A resolved heart Resolved to BE pure! There MUST be a deep down commitment. It is NOT superficial! Continued faithfulness - Heb. 2:1 – more earnest heed…
A resolved heart Resolved to BE pure! When obstacles appear, we work through them. IT will also affect what we will NOT do!
A resolved heart Is your religion a preference or a commitment? It must be MORE than a preference! The road to heaven is “straight and narrow.” A path for those that WILL to do what is right!
Is your heart undivided? Is God your priority? Are you resolved to serve Him with your all?