CEN TC 256/SC 1 Brief from plenary meeting Brussels, EFRTC General Meeting Prague, 22 nd June 2012 Imrich KORPANEC, EFRTC Secretary General
Technology and Logistics Committee, General Meeting, Prague, TC 256/SC 1 Railway Infrastructure Secretariat report TC 256 Working Groups Published standards –Directly to be applied to contractors either by clients and/or national authorities and/or as harmonized standards through European legal framework –Other standards relevant to contractors WG 5 – Track construction and renewal machines Resolutions - Issues from the meeting relevant contractors
Secretariat report - content Management overview (part I) –73 working items –21 new standards –14 standards in the revision Administration & Structure of The SC 1 (part II) –Secretariat, members, liaisons & structure –Titles of WGs, scope, convenor, secretary Meetings and personnel (part III & IV) Full list of published standards (part V) Rest – current programme of work Full text available at EFRTC website Technology and Logistics Committee, General Meeting, Prague,
CEN TC 256/SC1 Working Groups WG 4 “Rails” WG 5 “Track construction and maintenance machines” WG 15 “Track alignment design parameters” WG 16 “Sleepers and bearers” WG 17 “Fastening systems” WG 18 “Switches and crossings” WG 21 “Acceptance of trackwork after renewal and/or maintenance work” WG 28 “Track geometry quality” WG 34 “Qualification of trackworks contractors” WG 39 "Safety protection on the track during work" WG 40 "Noise barriers" WG 46 "Ballastless track“ SG 11 “Track gauge” Technology and Logistics Committee, General Meeting, Prague,
Published standards 42 of total 79 standards are relevant to contractors 13 of 42 standards shall be applied by contractors (if required by client in contract or national authorities), dealing with –track machines (WG 5), –welding (WG 4), –safety (WG 39), –qualification of contractors (WG 34) and –partly trackwork acceptance (WG 21) In general, standards are in voluntary domain but those declared by EC as “harmonized” consist parts which are mandatory under the European legislation A Harmonised Standard provides a presumption of conformity with the essential requirements of Directives Technology and Logistics Committee, General Meeting, Prague,
Items relevant to contractors (1) WG 4 “Rails” –Aluminothermic welding of rails – Part 1: Approval of welding processes” to activate the new work item –Flash butt welding of rails – Part 1: New R220, R260, R260Mn and R350HT grade rails in a fixed plant” has not yet started –Flash butt welding of rails – Part 3: Welding in association with crossing construction” has been submitted to formal vote –Restoration and repair of manganese crossings – work shall be completed by the end 2012 WG 5 “Railbound construction and maintenance machines – Part 1 Technical requirements for running” –EFRTC is actively participating in the revision of the standard in line with OTM Task Force remit (next separate slide on WG 5) Technology and Logistics Committee, General Meeting, Prague,
WG 5 – revision of EN – part 1 Ambitious programme and schedule for revising the standard to achieve its full harmonisation under the TSI Directives - submitted by the new WG 5 Chairman Mr Mick James and approved by CEN 5 to 6 meetings in 2012 in order to complete the work within the schedule set up for the revision of TSI Loc & Pas (merge of HS with conventional TSI) – end 2012 Significant progress made during first 3 meetings in 2012 with consensus of all parties concerned – IMs, manufacturers and contractors Work performed in close cooperation with OTM TF – WG 5 Chairman participate at OTM TF meetings Technology and Logistics Committee, General Meeting, Prague,
Items relevant to contractors (2) WG 21 “Acceptance of trackwork after renewal and/or maintenance work” –Part 1: Works on ballasted track – Plain line, switches and crossings closed on –EN :2012 Part 3: Acceptance of reprofiling rails in track published in January 2012 –Part 4: Acceptance of reprofiling rails in switches and crossings completed and submitted to vote –Part 5: Applications of rail reprofiling in plain line, switches, crossings and expansion devices" work is progressing as scheduled WG 34 “Qualification of trackwork contractors” –Shall be submitted to the systematic review procedure during 2012 so the future of the standard is to be decided by the CEN members Technology and Logistics Committee, General Meeting, Prague,
Items relevant to contractors (3) WG 28 “Track geometry quality” –EN :2011- Part 4: Measuring systems – Manual and lightweight devices published in 12/2011 –Revision of Part 5: Geometric quality levels – Plain line“ has just started –Decision to activate work on the new standard “Track - Survey on track geometric quality“ WG 39 “Safety protection on the track during work” –Progress will be reported by Chairman of EFRTC Safety Committee under the next item of the agenda Technology and Logistics Committee, General Meeting, Prague,
Thank you for your kind attention ! EFRTC Technology and Logistics Committee Prague, 22 nd June 2012