SPELLING 1. feet6. teeth 2. mice7. people 3. women8. children 4. geese9. them 5. men10. family
PHONICS /zh/ spelled s, g, or z treasure measure usual vision fusion beige seizure I saw a television story about hidden treasure. A mirage is a vision of something that is not there. Would you measure this table?
High Frequency Words: whose break father friendless mother mountain once river song Decodable Reader #26: Mee-Ling and the Dragon Fluency: article, “Safety on Our Streets” Word Work
INTRODUCE THE THEME Theme Question: What role does the government play in my community? Focus Question: How does a local government help make a good community?
PREPARE TO READ Vocabulary: department- one part of a government The police department is part of the city government. checked- made sure something is right Dad checked the doors to see if they were locked. Officer Buckle and Gloria
WRITING: DESCRIPTIVE PARAGRAPH A good descriptive paragraph… Gives a detailed picture of a person, animal, place, or thing. Has a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a closing sentence. Includes sensory details and figurative language (similies).
WRITING Use your senses when you write. sight hearing smell touch taste beautiful, green, like a painting rumble, whoosh, crunch sweet, rotten, like flowers, like a spring morning hot, sharp, crunchy, like fire sour, salty, like fish, like wet snow melting on my tongue
CENTERS Practice Book: p. 181, 183, 188 Phonics: p. 69 Fluency, read p. 180 Complete any projects Practice spelling words on scrap paper