Slovak System of Education Slovak System of Education
The Slovak republic The Slovak republic Capital: Bratislava Capital: Bratislava Total area: Total area: 49,035 km² 49,035 km² Population: 5,447,502
System of Education School attendance is compulsory from the ages of 6 to 15 School attendance is compulsory from the ages of 6 to 15 School year starts on 2nd of September and finishes on 30th of June School year starts on 2nd of September and finishes on 30th of June The school year is divided into two terms September - January, February - June The school year is divided into two terms September - January, February - June Students are assessed by marks from 1-5 Students are assessed by marks from 1-5
Education in our country includes several stages Pre-school education Pre-school education Primary education Primary education Secondary education Secondary education Higher education Higher education
Pre-school education Créches (for children up to 3 years) Créches (for children up to 3 years) Nursery schools (for children aged from 3 to 6) Nursery schools (for children aged from 3 to 6) Special kindergartens for disabled children Special kindergartens for disabled children
Primary education Is divided into two stages- Is divided into two stages- - first stage grades first stage grades second stage grades second stage grades 5-9 Primary school provides children with general education in languages, history, geography, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, arts, religion or ethics and physical education Primary school provides children with general education in languages, history, geography, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, arts, religion or ethics and physical education At the age of 15 pupils transfer from primary to secondary school- some talented pupils to grammar schools at the age of 11 At the age of 15 pupils transfer from primary to secondary school- some talented pupils to grammar schools at the age of 11
Secondary education Grammar schools- general and rather academic education, which prepares students for university. Some of them specialized in specific subjects, like maths or languages Grammar schools- general and rather academic education, which prepares students for university. Some of them specialized in specific subjects, like maths or languages Special schools- including technical colleges, which specialize in building, chemistry, etc., business and hotel academies, agricultural schools, nursing schools, music and art schools, all of them offer a professional education. Special schools- including technical colleges, which specialize in building, chemistry, etc., business and hotel academies, agricultural schools, nursing schools, music and art schools, all of them offer a professional education. Vocational schools- (3 year schools) prepare students for practical job. Vocational schools- (3 year schools) prepare students for practical job. Secondary education- usually lasts 4 years and finishes with school leaving examination – a requirement for admission by all universities and colleges. Examination- four subjects, oral exam. Students receive a School- Leaving Certificate. Secondary education- usually lasts 4 years and finishes with school leaving examination – a requirement for admission by all universities and colleges. Examination- four subjects, oral exam. Students receive a School- Leaving Certificate.
Higher education Universities and colleges Universities and colleges Lasts from 4 to 6 years Lasts from 4 to 6 years Three- year courses for a Bachelor´s Degree, followed by courses for a Master´s Degree. Three- year courses for a Bachelor´s Degree, followed by courses for a Master´s Degree. Medicine (6 years), law, jurnalism, Teachers´Traning College are many of various faculties... Medicine (6 years), law, jurnalism, Teachers´Traning College are many of various faculties... University or College study also finishes with a state examination, a student has to write a thesis in order to receive a diploma in his or her chosen field of study. University or College study also finishes with a state examination, a student has to write a thesis in order to receive a diploma in his or her chosen field of study. Doctoral Degrees are awarded after another few years of study Doctoral Degrees are awarded after another few years of study
The Faculty of Natural Science
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