Presented by| Keith McCullough, Sydney Hawran & Amy Lamott Vargas Complex Issues With New Project Delivery Techniques
I - 15 Norco – Riverside County
Historic approach to project implementation · Design – Bid – Build - fixed ROW lines - consistent with RON descriptions - inflexible, long lead time, costly That was then...
I-5 at SR55 Orange County – Design Bid Build
Duration and complexity of projects increase -Often dense, urban settings -Duration of Temporary Construction Easements increase -Investigative entries and the timing of permanent takings That was then...
City of Livermore v. Baca – Temporary Severance Damages
Contemporary techniques for dealing with ever- increasing project complexities -Pros and cons with each technique -Challenges become opportunities -Flexibility in current ROW practices: “Every day counts”... this is now
Design – Build -Shorter lead times -Adjust more easily to field conditions -One stop shop project -Changes to ROW lines create challenges -Potential for increased acquisition costs... this is now
Baseline condition – Lakeview Grade Separation – Design Build
Design Sequencing – advantages / disadvantages – potential legal implications... this is now
OTAY MESA CROSSING – Design Sequencing
Construction Management General Contractor – Pros / Cons – Coordinated team approach – ROW Strategic Team – Business decision: do the project management flexibility merits outweigh potential delay and cost increases of legal challenges?... this is now
I-5 North Coast– Construction Management General Contractor
Questions? Keith E. McCullough, Esq. AlvaradoSmith, APC (714) Amy Lamott Vargas Deputy District Director Right of Way Division Caltrans District 11 (619) Sydney H. Hawran, MAI Hawran & Malm, LLC (949)